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Nextel-nextime Wireless



By Sun Advocate

Carrie Keller

NEXTEL- Nextime Wireless’ office located at 94 N 200 East Price, 613 6398, is owned by Carbon County resident, Carrie Keller. Nextime Wireless representing the NEXTEL line of wireless products, has a developed mix of services targeting both businesses and consumers.
At today’s breakneck pace where businesses, companies, agencies and families need more ways than ever to keep in touch, the easier the better.
Nextime Wireless innovative product and service offerings provide the best advantages to customers such as no roaming ever and unlimited incoming calling plans. All phones, include walkie talkie or the “Direct Connect” feature, speakerphone, GPS with remote monitoring and location technology capabilities, text and numeric paging, amazing data capabilities, number portability and the best public safety features available.
With a generous discount contract currently in place for all city, county, state and federal government operations and their employees Nextime Wireless will serve all your wireless needs.

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