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Introducing the candidates for 2004: Congress



By Sun Advocate

Jim Matheson
As your Congressman, I promised to put Utah first. Whether it’s a Republican idea or a Democratic idea, I’ll do what’s best for Utah, including on three top priorities.
First, Utah’s economy thrives when businesses thrive. That means more jobs and better-paying jobs. I voted for tax cuts for Utah’s hard-working families, such as reforming the marriage penalty, repealing the estate tax and increasing the child tax credit. I support tax cuts so that small businesses can invest in technology. I support investment in safe and efficient transportation infrastructure�roads, bridges, airports�so Utah remains an attractive location to employers and employees. I got Utah Highway 6 designated a “high priority corridor” so it would be eligible for extra federal funding. I fight every year for full funding of PILT – Payment in Lieu of Taxes�to help local governments carry out such vital services as firefighting and police protection. I delivered $25 million for Utah rural water projects.
Second, education is the door to opportunity for everyone in Utah. I believe Utah parents and Utah educators know what works best for our children. That is why I fight for more flexibility in education policy and funding. I support higher academic standards, smaller class size, a quality teacher in every classroom and the federal funding promised for special education.
Third, as the son of a Downwinder, I have learned you cannot always trust the federal government. I fought against “hotter” radioactive waste coming to Utah and against transporting or storing high-level nuclear waste here. I oppose any new funding for research and development of new nuclear weapons. I am standing up against any plans to resume nuclear weapons testing that would�once again�put Utah families at risk.
I am proud to have the support of a wide variety of groups, such as the National Rifle Association, the US Chamber of Commerce and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. I am pleased that the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Federation of Independent Business and the National Manufacturers Association have given me awards based on my voting record in the U.S. House.
I take the values of family, hard work, integrity and duty to community to work with me every day. I have been an effective representative for everyone in Utah, helping bolster the economy, improve education and enhance our quality of life. I look for good ideas from across the political spectrum. I always put Utah first.
John Swallow
It is again my honor to run as the Republican nominee for Utah’s 2nd Congressional District. Growing up off the Wasatch Front, I understand the importance of investing throughout all of Utah.
I served in the legislature for six years and have a proven record of cutting taxes and promoting the economic interests of Utahns. As a legislator, I was named a “Guardian of Small Business” twice by the NFIB, and I was awarded the Taxpayer Advocate of the Year by the Utah Taxpayers’ Association for sponsoring and passing the largest payroll tax cut in Utah history. In Congress, I’ll continue that fight so Utah can continue to grow and prosper.
In Congress I will work tirelessly to improve access to public lands and for responsible development of our natural resources. I understand that the lives and livelihood of many Utahns are inextricably linked to responsible access of public lands. I’ll put the needs of people in front of the insatiable demands of extreme environmental groups like SUWA. My opponent has been on the wrong side of the RS-2477 road issue, and even hired a former SUWA executive as his District Director. I don’t believe that anyone should be locked out of the public lands that they, as a taxpayer, own.
I have a comprehensive plan to improve your school’s education. I strongly believe that parents and local educators know how to best educate their children. Unlike my opponent, I support and will vote for local control of schools. I believe that Utah’s education problems can be partly solved through the federal government compensating Utah fairly for the lands they control in this state. It is unjust for the federal government to leave property owners in this state “holding the bag” for Utah’s education when we only own such a limited amount. I would also oppose any and all future federal land grabs.
I promise that as your congressman I will fight for family values. My opponent has been on both sides of important value based issues, such as partial birth abortion and gay marriage. I have always opposed the horrific procedure of partial birth abortion and have supported measures to protect traditional marriage. As a legislator, you can count on me to always vote my conscience and with your values.
In Congress, I will fight for Utah. I will work each day to balance the budget, reduce taxes, increase local control over land use issues, strengthen local control of schools, bring resources into communities off the Wasatch Front for business development, protect life, and work with your local leaders to provide the resources your community needs to prosper.
Jeremy Peterson
I am running under the slogan God, family and republic, and I would like to take a moment to tell you what this slogan means to me.
First, I believe that this nation was founded under the primary truth that there exists a Creator God, and that God always has been and always must be a part of this nation, including its schools, courthouses, and so forth.
Furthermore, I believe that all rights come from God, not from government.
Second, I believe that traditional families are the essential building blocks of a strong, moral, and just nation. I will fight to protect the traditional family, the sanctity of marriage, and all other family values.
Finally, I believe that we have strayed from our original path as a Constitutional republic. In the pledge of allegiance, we pledge allegiance to the flag of the Unites States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. We are not a democracy, but we are a republic! If we are to remain a land of liberty, we need the protections offered by the checks and balances of sound constitutional government.
Some would say that I cannot possibly win, so why should they “throw away” their vote for me. I firmly believe that the only way you “throw away” your vote is by not voting completely true to your principles. Don’t get trapped feeling that you can only vote for a specific party, for a candidate that “has a chance to win” or that you must vote for one person in order to keep another person or party out of office. Vote your principles, no more, no less. If nothing else, you will send a message to the big parties that they need to make some changes to earn back your support.
I publicly pledge that I will uphold, defend, and vote in a manner consistent with the Constitution of the United States.

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