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Introducing the candidates for 2004: Carbon School Board



By Sun Advocate

Grady McEvoy
Grady McEvoy is currently vice president of the school board and has been an example of strong leadership on the board for the past four years. He supports: a strong curriculum, student success, safe schools, improved teaching, and fair treatment for every student and employee within the district. He is currently serving as a member of the Southeast Applied Technology College Board and served as president of the board this past year. Grady has been an instructor at the College of Eastern Utah for the past 17 years and is also currently serving as the assistant to the academic vice president, faculty senate president, and the director of the college theatre program.
Grady is known for his fair treatment of individuals and willingness to ask many questions before making any decisions. After exploring many options and discussing all sides of a topic, he supports the final decision of the board. In the past four years, he has worked hard to support the district’s focus on improving reading skills, emphasis on core curriculum and raising test scores. He strives to maintain a balanced budget while faced with declining student enrollment. Grady has also supported many extra curricular activities which enhance the life of every student through Music, the arts, sciences and sports.
Support Grady McEvoy in his efforts to improve Carbon County School District and the success of every child. Please Vote Nov. 2, 2004.
Debbie Blackburn
I saw tomorrow look at me from little children’s eyes, And though how carefully we’d choose, if only we were wise.
These words from the poet have come to me again and again as I have visited the schools in our district and looked into the eyes of the students; full of hope and potential, and I have been reminded of the promises we must keep to the children of our community. I, personally, feel as though I have “promises to keep,” as I have been elected to serve on the Carbon County School Board.
I am running unopposed this election year, but still appreciate this opportunity to tell you a little bit about myself. I have lived in this community for 25 years. I have raised eight children here, and watched as they have been educated in our schools. I have had many opinions about how “things ought to be.” Since being elected two years ago, I have learned much. I have a greater understanding of how many “fixes” are not simple, and a greater appreciation for those in our district who are so dedicated and work so hard to support and teach our children. Still, I think we can make improvements, and I pledge to be a part of that effort. I have a strong belief that many of the solutions lie in cooperation between the schools and the community. We cannot expect the schools to meet all of the needs of children, although that seems to be more and more the trend. We will all be affected by the success or failure of today’s children. We all have a stake in it. I have had many opportunities to serve in Carbon County, in the schools, in my church, and in the social services sector. My focus has always seemed to be “kids.” My best qualification for this office will always be that bottom line: I love the children.

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