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Carbon diving & swimming teams participate in events

By Sun Advocate

Carbon diving
At an invitiational diving meet hosted by the Dinos at Desert Wave Pool on Dec. 6, diver Michale Glasson took eighth place in the boys competition, which included 24 male divers.
He was able to improve his personal score from 226 to 280.
Lyn’D Anderson also had an excellent showing for Carbon, taking seventh place overall in the girls division.
“She had excellent body line and her entries into the water were clean with very little splash,” coach Stewart Foster commented.
According to Foster, most of the top divers in the state competed in the tournament and should give the divers a good idea of what to expect at the state tournament.
Carbon’s next meet is Jan. 10 at Bear River.
Carbon swimming
The Dinos sank Grantsville in a Dec. 2 meet, nearly doubling the Cowboys in both mens and womens team scores.
Final team scores in the womens competition were: Carbon, 418; Grantsville, 284.
Final team scores in the mens competition were: Carbon, 541; Grantsville, 249.
Junior Erika Flower and freshman Regina Tetreault had a pair of first place finishes each in the meet.
Trisha Erickson and Danielle Worley also had first place finishes.
Junior Chase Norton took first place in both the 200 IM and the 100 back.
Chris Eikenbary and Dan Gibson finished first in their respective races.

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