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Ladies cross country ties for first place in Delta run

By Sun Advocate

The Lady Dinos tied with Delta for first place in an invitational cross country meet hosted by the Rabbits on Oct. 1.
Melanie Madsen took her normal position at the front of the pack, crossing the finish line first with a time of 17:49.
Teammate Elizabeth Brooks wasn’t far behind, finishing fifth out of 55 runners.
Brittany Horrocks took 13th, Ashley Anderson and Brittany Banning finished 17th and 18th and Jana Burrows rounded out the run in 29th.
The team’s time was also good enough to beat last year’s region champions, North Sanpete.
In boys action, Carbon’s David Goodrich took third place with a finishing time of 15:46 and Mont Harmon’s Paul Goodrich took eighth place out of a field of 60, finishing in 16:03.
Other boys runners included Bo Christensen (14th), Kellen Spillman (40th), Joe Harber (41st) and Kerry Powell (58th).
Carbon runners also travelled to Soldier Hollow on Oct. 4.
Coach Stewart Foster said that the Soldier Hollow run, which is the location where cross-country skiing took place in the 2002 Olympics, gave the runners many hills to climb and a high altitude to battle.
Several Carbon runners received medals for their efforts, including girls junior varsity runners Anderson (second), Mickaleen Loveless (sixth) and Burrows (10th).
Boys junior varsity runner Paul Goodrich placed fifth.
For varsity, Madsen placed third overall for the girls and Brooks took 16th.
David Goodrich robbed 10th place from two Lehi runners in the last 200 yards of the boys varsity race, finishing in a time of 16:46.
Carbon will host the next meet of the season at Carbon High School on Oct. 8.
The meet begins at 4 p.m. on the soccer field hills behind the school.

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