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City survey kicks emergency prepardness efforts into gear

By Sun Advocate

Results from the anonymous survey that was sent out to hundreds of Price City citizens in their utility bills are starting to flood into city hall. People are responding to some basic questions that fall into three categories; “Do You know?” “Do you have?” and Are you interested in?”
The basic inquiries all deal with how informed and prepared people are in case of an emergency. The survey deals with questions about a portable 72-hour emergency preparedness kit, a backup source for heat or fuel, a fire escape plan, and adequate first aid kit for families in any situation.
Price City’s newest committee, formed to assist its citizens in being prepared for crisis situations, has been busy discussing the issues and taking action steps to assist in preparing citizens. The Emergency Preparedness Committee is under the direction of Joyce Daniels with assistance from Greg Fausett. Attending a recent committee meeting were Andrew Lasslo, Chuck Hoyt, Marjeane Hansen, and Martin Estrada.
The emergency preparedness survey that is currently being distributed in Price City utility bills is gathering profile information of residents to identify the level of preparedness that exists.
As the survey results are returned the Price City Youth council members, under the leadership of Jennifer Bedont, youth mayor, are entering the responses in a database. The base will be used to identify the priority needs for preparedness education and training.
A weekly announcement in the Sun Advocate will assist people with suggestions or items that are helpful in getting started. The committee recommends that as people ready this series of facts and knowledge on emergency preparedness, they will cut them out and complete the action step that is recommended each week.
“It will help our efforts if people clip the ads for reference and review,” says Daniels, suggesting that people file them in a cabinet, bulletin board, binder, recipe box or even organize them on the refrigerator.
The committee has chosen an ant to be the mascot or branding icon for the preparedness effort because the committee feels it is important that all understand that the concept of preparedness is not new.
“Preparedness warnings did not start with quakes in California, typhoons in Florida, the attacks in New York on Sept. 11 or with the recent efforts we are implementing as a country, state, county, and city under the Homeland Security guidelines,” explains Daniels.
Preparedness warnings date back to the sixth century when Aesop penned one of his most famous fables, “The Grasshopper and the Ant.” This parable sent a preparedness message through the subsequent generations to enlighten many people on the importance of taking action to prepare.
It is the goal of the committee to assist local citizens in their efforts to be informed and prepared. It is the desire of the committee to counter fear and possible panic with knowledge and preparation.
“Disaster can strike quickly and without warning,” says Daniels. “It can force you to evacuate your neighborhood or confine you to your home. Knowing what to do is your best protection and bottom-line, it is also your responsibility.”
Specifically the committee goals include to help Price City citizens have the knowledge, confidence and resources to meet emergencies with a minimum of reliance on outside help, to dispel misinformation that causes fear and fatalism, and to encourage a community spirit of cooperation.

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