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Utah Safety Council says keep emergency equipment ready

By Sun Advocate

Peoples homes may be their castles, but that doesn’t mean they can pull the drawbridge and all will be safe.
The Utah Safety Council advises people to take an inventory of their home safety items so that they can be prepared to battle any emergency. The following is a list of items that is be essential to any family’s safety.
•Smoke detectors. Install smoke detectors on each floor and outside each bedroom. Test detectors once a month and change the batteries when clocks are adjusted in the spring and fall.
•Carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon Monoxide kills approximately 40 Utahns each year. Place a CO detector near the bedrooms in the home.
•Radon detector kit. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is caused by the breakdown of uranium in soil. Radon testing kit can be purchased from the Utah Safety Council.
•Night lights. Simple, inexpensive night-lights can prevent late night falls.
•Sensor lights. Outdoor motion-sensor lights can help family members see at night and help to scare off intruders.
•Sturdy one step stool. Invest in a sturdy one-step stool to use when the arms need a boost.
•Rubber suction bath mats/slip resistant throw rugs. These will help keep people steady in and out of the bathtub.
•Grab bars. Grab bars help people get in and out of the tub and are available at most hardware stores.
•Handrails. Every set of stairs should have sturdy handrails securely mounted on both sides.
•Deadbolt locks. Install a pick-and-drill proof lock on every entrance to a home.
•Ground-fault circuit interrupters. GFCI’s stop the electricity before it can leak out and harm someone. Use them throughout a home especially in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room.
•Fire extinguishers. There should be a fire extinguisher in all areas of a home that are prone to fire.
•First-aid kit. Make sure each member of a family knows where the first aid kit is located and be sure to check expiration dates on your medical supplies.
•Flashlights. Keep flashlights throughout the home and check them regularly to make sure the batteries work.
•Written family evacuation plan. Preparation and practice for all emergencies is vital, so escape routes should be tested by all family members.
•Family disaster kit. Include water, food, flashlights, batteries and a battery-powered radio.
•NOAA all-hazard alert radio. This radio will help in a weather emergency. It allows people to pick up the frequency of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which will include instructions on whether or not to evacuate an area. This type of radio is available at local hardware stores.
•Emergency phone numbers. This list should include police and fire departments, physicians, and poison control.
•Tested appliances. Appliances using gas or electricity should bear a certification mark from a qualified organization.
•Personal protective equipment. Be sure to keep safety goggles, work gloves, and face masks for those do-it-yourself projects.
•Tagged Shut offs. Family members should know how to shut off gas, water and electricity valves. And make sure they are properly marked.

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