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Senior Citizen Centers buzzing with activities, winter safety tips listed

By Sun Advocate

The Senior Citizen’s Centers is Price and East Carbon are hopping with activity this time of the year as fall bazaars, concerts, seminars, classes seem to fill every hour of every day. According to Viki Bowman, director of the Price Center the centers are a beehive of activities. The East Carbon Bazaar is set of Nov. 9th from 9 to 2 at the East Carbon Senior Center.
Richard Jewkes, Senior Advocate will be at the Price Center on Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 10 to 12 to answer questions and provide answers for the seniors.
The center is planning on taking a bus to Green River on November 16 for the program., “Cowboys With A Cause,” a benefit to raise funds needed for Amanda Clark to participate in the Special Olympics World Summer Games in Ireland in June of 2003. The monthly birthday dinner is set for October 25th.
Kelly Sue Pyper os the new ceramics instructor and is working with the ceramics group on their holiday pieces.
The College of Eastern Utah and the Senior Center are advancing with their plans to offer classes at the Senior Center. “The Purchase Order is in and we are waiting for the computers,” said bowman, stating that the classes are expected to begin in November. Besides computers a number of other classes like genealogy, painting, estate planning, nutrition and fitness, senior counseling, geology, anthropology, and Native American Literature are planned.
Bowman also talked about this season as a good time to take a look at the safety issues around the home. The following ideas and advice are helpful reminders of the importance of good planning and protection as winter approaches.
Staying warm
Keep room temperature at least 65 degrees.
Wear layers of cotton clothing and avoid sleeping in the clothes you wore during the day.
Find out if any medicines will make people more sensitive to cold.
Stay active around the house instead of sitting still
Fire Safety
Install working smoke detectors on every floor of the house. Check batteries monthly.
Clean chimney yearly to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
Never leave burning fireplaces unattended. Always use a fire screen.
Keep space heaters at least three feet away from throw rugs, furniture upholstery, and stairways.
Never use the oven to heat home.
Do not burn newspaper in the fireplace.
Have at least one working fire extinguisher on hand and know how to use it.
Install carbon monoxide detectors on every level of the home.
Diet can help keep people warm
Well balanced, nutritious meals help the body produce its own heat.
Drink warm, sweet drinks like hot cocoa or sweetened coffee.
Avoid alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can cause the body to lose heat.
Venturing outdoors
Layer clothing, with a water-resistant layer at the top.
Always wear a hat. Most body heat is lost through the head.
Wear a scarf and mittens to reduce body heat loss.
When temperature or wind chill drops to 10 degrees Fahrenheit or less, limit time outside to no more than 30 minutes.
Avoid strenuous activities in the cold.
Change wet or damp clothes.
Do not walk on ice less than three inches thick.
Onhand emergency supplies
Phone list, including numbers for fire department, police, gas company, family members, personal contacts, etc.
Nonperishable food supply and plenty of drinking water.
Can opener.
Battery-powered radio and flashlight.
Medicines – check expiration dates.
First aid kit.
Extra blankets or sleeping bags.
Prevent falls
Arrange to have walkways and porches cleared of snow and ice.
Sprinkle salt, sand or kitty litter on walking areas to avoid slipping.
When walking, take smaller strides, step firmly and bend knees.
Mop up water or snow tracked into entry ways and hallways from outdoors. Puddles of water can be hard to see and may cause people to slip.
More for seniors
Seniors should arrange to have family members or a buddy check them daily in person or by telephone to make sure they are safe and warm. Seniors can volunteer to return the favor.
Stay active inside homes to help keep warm. Sitting in one place can make people colder.
As people age, they become more sensitive to cold. Seniors should keep homes heated at 65 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer.
To prevent falls, seniors should avoid shoveling or deicing sidewalks and porches. The tasks may be completed by family members, volunteer groups, younger neighbors, etc.
General winter safety
Seniors should take precautions to avoid falls. Because of thinning bones, falling is one of the biggest health hazards seniors face.
Icy surfaces in the winter make the risk of falling even greater. The shoes people wear can make a big difference.
Seniors with poor circulation or loss of feeling might have better traction and footing with thinner soled shoes, which give a better sense of where people are walking.
If arthritis and sore joints are a problem, thicker and softer soles can cushion the impact of walking.
A sturdy, low-heel shoe is usually the safest bet, depending individual condition.
Home fires
Fire fatalities are most common among seniors, children and the economically disadvantaged.
In addition, portable and space heaters accounted for nearly two-thirds of home heating fire deaths and half of all related injuries in 1990.
To fireproof homes, seniors should:
Install smoke detectors and check the batteries monthly.
Never smoke in bed or when drowsy.
Place space heaters are at least three feet from combustibles like drapes, clothing or furniture.
Never use outdoor camping equipment like kerosene lanterns or stoves indoors.
Never heat homes with an oven or burners on the stove.

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