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Letter to the Editor: Wants readers to know “truth”

By Sun Advocate

I was one of those Star Wars Fans that stood in line for almost nine hours to watch the prequil of “Attack of the Clones” and was quite offended by the article printed in the May 21 Sun Advocate.
According to your article you made us look like a bunch of unruly, slobs. I want the people of Carbon County to know the truth. We had a lot of good clean fun. Some of the young people ahead of us were playing cards. They brought tables and chairs and were very organized in their plans. These were young men and young ladies that were very well behaved. My grandson spent a lot of time with them and he was in good company. They were kind to him and let him in with their fun and games. The language was clean and you would be proud of our youth that was in this group.
They brought a barbecue grill and cooked hot dogs and shared the extras with others all the way up and down the street.
The later it got the more and more people started to show up. We were a large group of kids and a few adults playing games, visiting, snacking and having a fun time. A young man brought several home made light sabers just to make the “Star Wars Adventure” on main street more real. Kids took to the side of the street to test their Jedi abilities. It was a lot of fun and again they allowed my young grandson to come play. The group shared sabers and many were part of the games. We made some new friends and enjoyed the evening together with just one common link, Star Wars.
Now about the misleading statement about the garbage and garbage cans. I know for a fact that the garbage can right in front of the theatre was completely full and when we ran out of room in that one we used the one at the gas station next door. The cans were so full that when we made our last sweep of the area we put garbage next to the can so it would be an easier clean up for our city workers. So the statement in the paper that said, “Garbage cans on the street had only a little liter in them,” just isn’t true.
Sorry about the two perfectly posed Pepsi cups in the middle of the sidewalk that was right in line with the marque. You know the one’s that over a hundred people carefully stepped over so as not to knock them down.
The last count we heard was over 140 people standing in fine and I think we did pretty darn good. I’m sure there was some garbage left behind and we do apologize for that.
After waiting for many hours, the time finally arrived that we could go in. When the movie started the air was electrifying and we all were happy to be there. I had a great time with my family that evening and plan to attend the next release also. If you want to have a great time and make memories that will last a fife time, I would suggest you make plans for next time too.
After reading the article in the paper, I personally drove down to First West to check on the number of garbage cans that were on the street. I found one in front of the theater, the one we filled to over flowing and one on the comer of Carbon Avenue and Main. There also was one that has been placed there since we were there that night.

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