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Opening of local fish pond attracts large crowd



By Sun Advocate

Rose and Ross Gigliotti cut the ribbon to officially mark the opening of the Helper fish pond. After months of planning, the local attraction was opened to the public on Saturday. The Gigliotti family allowed the Division of Wildlife Resources to build the pond on land owned by the family. Through this contribution, Carbon County residents will be able to enjoy the sport of fishing without having to travel far to reach an accessible waterway.
Jeff Nielson and his children Ryan and Easton enjoy a lazy afternoon of fishing. The pond allows children the opportunity to participate in fishing while learning the techiniques of the sport.

After months of planning and hard work, the benefits of this labor paid off as the Gigliotti fishing pond in Helper opened to the public last Saturday. With hundreds of supporters in attendance, the day of fishing fun began with an official ribbon cutting by Rose and Ross Gigliotti.
The public fishing pond would not have been possible without the support of the Gigliotti family. In fact, the area in which the pond is housed, was the land of the Gigliotti family.
The family decided to allow the Division of Wildlife Resources to construct the pond to allow county residents to enjoy the sport of fishing. The generous donation proved to be successful as the pond opened for fishing at the grand opening ceremony.
After the ribbon cutting, DWR officials released rainbow trout into the pond to add to the existing trout already in place. According to DWR representative Daris Jones, bluegill and bass will be added in June.
Once the fish were in place, the race was on to catch the first fish. In fact, the crowd eagerly awaited for the first fish to be pulled from the pond.
The successful fishermen who pulled the first trout was Keny Seals who excitedly reeled the line as fast as he could to ensure his prize catch did not get away. After reeling the fish into shore, the crowd applauded with excitement, for the pond was now an official part of county recreation.
The afternoon was filled with excitement as families from across Carbon County visited the new addition. The pond is sure to be a splash for years to come.

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