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Redevelopment agency focuses on improving the appearance of Price

By Sun Advocate

The Price City Council recently approved funding for a roofing project for Kerry Krompel on a commercial building in the downtown area. The grant was part of the ongoing Price Redevelopment Agency funding that has been used to improve several businesses in the downtown corridor since it was established in 1979. The amount given to Krompel was almost $500 which is a third of the total project investment.
According to Nick Tatton, Price City community director, the city established this program to encourage the rebuilding of downtown Price. However it was established as a 25 year program and it will end in 2004.
The current redevelopment district runs from the Albertson’s shopping center, down main street bounded on the north and south by first north and first south to 700 east.
Over the years, several business owners or property owners have benefited from RDA money for beautification projects, facelifts, structural improvements and removal of eye sores and old buildings.
Money for this fund comes from a pool raised through taxes because of increased property values that came as a result of upgrading the property. If the money doesn’t get used within the year, then it reverts back into the county general fund.
Tatton also said that attempts are being made to set up a new redevelopment program, this time with a joint city, school district and county effort. The area for this project would include property along the airport road and down to Highway 55 and will run towards the Highway 6 interchange east of Price. Again, if successful, this redevelopment corridor would assist property owners and businesses to clean up and rejuvenate east Price.
A meeting to establish this taxing entity committee is set for Thursday, May 16 at the Carbon County Commission Chambers at 6 p.m.

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