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Planning board favors granting conditional use permits

By Sun Advocate

Carbon planning board members met Tuesday and the main subject of interest on the agenda involved two pipelines that are going to be put in opposite ends of the county.
The first request was from Questar for a conditional use permit for a 24-inch steel line from a carbon dioxide plant to an existing pipeline. The conveyance would cross private property owned by Arthur Anderson Steve Giacoletto, Ray Prettyman and Ross Fausett.
“The pipeline will run about 34,000 total feet and for the first one and half miles it will cross state lands and then go onto the private areas,” said Tim Black-ham of Questar.
The line also crosses United States Bureau of Land Management territory for a short distance.
Blackham noted that agreements have been worked out with most of the private land owners.
The board agreed to recommend the permit, but specified that reclamation be done three months after construction starts.
The second request involved a 12-inch buried line for Klabzuba Oil and Gas Inc. on Horse Bench. The steel pipeline will cross private property owned by the Jacob and Oman families.
“The test wells in that area are producing, so now we need a way to bring the gas to the present Questar line to transport it,” explained Don Hamilton of Talon Resources, representing Klabzuba at the meeting.
Hamilton explained the pipeline will be larger than needed at the present time because the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources asked that the line be able to carry gas from other companies. That way, the area will not end up with a 400-foot wide strip of lines.
“We intend to keep it very narrow, about 50 feet wide,” stated Hamilton.
A booster station will also be needed, he added. The company will put in a temporary station, then approach the board for a approval of a permanent one.
“We have worked out most of the details with the landowners – only the dollar agreement is still not final,” said Hamilton.
The planning board voted to recommend granting the permit to the county commission. Construction will start in June and reclamation in September.
County planning director Dave Levanger asked the companies to submit “as built” maps so the projects can be added to the geographical information database.
In an unrelated matter, the panel was introduced to Glen Vernon, association of governments community planning director. Vernon is available to help counties plan communities and land use ordinances.
In addition, the board supported granting a conditional use permit for an expansion at Pinnacle Canyon Academy. School administrator Roberta Hardy discussed the plan, which includes classroom areas, a restroom module and cafeteria area.
Levanger pointed out that a lift station may be required to bring the restroom sewage to the main line due to the grade.
But Levanger had no problem with that scenario and the board voted to recommend granting the permit.

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