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Jewkes and Warburton stomp competition for the Dinos



By Sun Advocate

Although her career as a Dino is almost extinct, Cassie Warburton is a talented athlete that will move on to be a success in all that she pursues. Next season, Warburton will remain in Carbon County as she competes for the College of Eastern Utah where she is bound to soar high with the Golden Eagles.

Matt Jewkes should be a familiar name around Carbon county, and there are three main reasons why. First, he played on the 3A state championship baseball team last year. Secondly, he has also played on the Helper Legion team for two years, going on three. And third, but not least, Jewkes was named to the second team all-state in basketball this year.
Jewkes, who is a senior this year, “has been a part of Carbon baseball for four years, and each and every year, he has made huge contributions in all areas of his game,” comments head coach Lane Herrick. “Going into the state tournament last year, Matt was one of our most valuable players because of the things he could bring to our team and his willingness to be a team player, and that was proven by the fact that he kept himself prepared to pitch in the title game,” continued Herrick. “He has come back this year as a great senior leader for us, and I think that because of Matt, we have a great chance of getting another run at the state title.”
“My goals for the team is to be region champs and then state champs again, but as for personal goals, I want to become a better player every game,” stated Jewkes.
Jewkes has been playing baseball since his father taught him when he was about four years old. Jewkes also played little league and Wellington pee wee league since about the same age. Last year, he was named honorable mention in baseball, and was named to several all-tournament teams for basketball.
What gets Jewkes going before a game is “just the excitement of it all, and mental preparation.” His motivations are “knowing that everybody is watching, and wanting to do well.”
As well as playing shortstop and pitcher for Carbon baseball, Jewkes is also a point gaurd in basketball, and enjoys hunting, fishing, playing baseball, “that’s number one,” and hanging out with friends.
Jewkes’ favorite subjects in school are English and gym. “I like any kind of sports activity,” explained Jewkes.
After he graduates from high school, Jewkes wants to play baseball for CEU. As far as selecting a profession, Jewkes plans on doing “something in law.”
Another familiar name around Carbon County is Cassie Warburton, and there are two main reasons why. First, she played on the volleyball team, which took second in state this year, the highest place in the history of Carbon High. Second, she helped lead her team to the state playoffs in basketball, and as a team, took third at the tournament this year.
Warburton played Wellington league softball for four years, and has been a part of Carbon softball since her junior year. “I didn’t want to run track, so I chose softball, besides, it’s just a fun sport,” explained Warburton.
“She’s dedicated in whatever she’s doing. Cassie is pretty easy-going and can also have fun, but is always very competitive. I’m most impressed with her ability to bounce back from a tough time, a let down, or when she’s frustrated. She will always do the best she can,” comments her mother, Stacy Warburton. “Outspoken and tenacious sums it up for her,” added her father John Warburton.
Warburton’s goals for this season are to win and have fun, but what motivates her is “just having a family who plays sports. It makes it easier to go out and play with someone. What gets me going before a game is watching the other team warm up. I try to size up the competition,” explained an enthusiastic Warburton.
Other extra-curricular activities that Warburton is involved in, include volleyball, basketball, renaissance and CSADD (Carbon Students Against Destructive Decisions), but what she really enjoys is eating, sleeping and watching sports.
“My favorite subject is English. I understand it, and it comes easy for me,” stated Warburton.
All of the hard work Warburton has put into her sports clearly show, for she has a long list of awards, including first team all-state for two years in basketball and volleyball, prep of the week in volleyball, second team all-state in basketball, defensive player of the year in basketball, region player of the year in basketball, and she was also named to the all-star team this year in basketball.
After she graduates from Carbon High, she will be attending CEU where she will play volleyball and basketball for the school. Although she hasn’t decided for sure on a profession, she thinks it will be either nursing or teaching.
“I’ve learned that sports aren’t everything. The lessons you learn are more important than winning or losing,” concluded Warburton.

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