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Nathaniel Woodward


A short time ago I wrote a sciencey rhyme
full of satirey humor, thats not happening this time.
With much false information and blatant mistruths
It’s time to call out who really makes fake news.
Sorry Mr. Trump and his anti-science crew
Please buckle up its time for round two.
Science is swell but a bit of a prude
so don’t be offended, I wont try to be rude.
It doesn’t care what you feel or how you believe
to really get it, you must roll up your sleeves.
After years of study and work and educated projection
your cable news anchor isn’t qualified to call for rejection.
So Tucker and Sean your lies will catch up
your kool-aid’s running out and I won’t sample the cup.
You see I’m sorry if you simply cannot agree
When your opinion is skewed your understanding lacks the degree.
Science is hard and requires a specialized skill
when you put a politician in charge of the EPA you’ll get us all killed.
So if its not your field your argument lacks depth
to push back only shows you can’t keep up step.
With all the miraculous facts you could be eager to learn
you watch cable news and the textbooks you spurn.
Here I sit a no-one from nowhere
typing these rhymes for people who may care.
What does it matter that the science processes truth?
No matter the fact you declare that its moot.
What will it take to convince you of that?
Do I need to make apparel and awful red hats?
In a day and a age where knowledge is power
you’d prefer that we just sit down, run or cower.
Twitter and insulting women, to you it’s essential
in spite every keystroke is less presidential.
If you continue to insist that climate science is fake
I demand you show the chemistry, its never to late.
Basic chemical bonds and math and emissions
It really is simple, please for the love, listen.
I know its not everyones cup of tea
but when nearly every one of the scientist agree…
You don’t have to like it for it to be true
but your words are like feathers, and your actions the glue.
So the more you go on declaring your great,
perhaps you should slow down and just take a break.
The science is true, whether or not that you get it
so please Trump oh please you will never regret it.
So our rhyme comes to an end, I hope that you see
that science is great, its there for you and me.
Round two is over and now its your turn,
Our planet is our own, lets not let it burn.
N. Woodward

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