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New program aims to help families end the cycle of poverty

By Rick Sherman

The Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments has been awarded an $800,000 grant to implement a local chapter of “Circles USA.” The grant was applied for and awarded under the TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) program. Geri Gamber, Program Manager of Community Service Programs at SEUALG, was the grant writer. The TANF II grant will fund the program for three years.
The primary goal for TANF in Utah is to provide families in need with a combination of financial assistance and work opportunities so that they can gain independence.
It is a federal-state program where the federal government sets the rules for administering the programs, and the state determines the income eligibility limits and benefit levels. The goal of Circles is to lift families out of the cycle of poverty through stabilization, education, job placement, retention and advancement.
Circles Coordinator Julie Rosier stated, “Carbon County has the highest rate of inter-generational poverty in the state. And that’s what this grant is about. The clients that we want to bring in have to be second generation poverty. It’s a huge focus now. The main goal of Circles is to get individuals to be able to become self-sufficient by bringing them up to 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.”
The local Circles chapter is in the organizational stage. It will include a support system of leaders, coaches, allies or mentors, and a resource team. Participants will be required to make a long-term commitment.
Rosier stated, “They will go through the 12 week program, but have to make an 18 month commitment to be in the program and stay in it. Because this is what will help them to continue to grow, to learn, to develop, to build a relationship.”
The Circles program was established more than 20 years ago and has a presence in 23 states and parts of Canada. There are six chapters already established in Utah. Genevieve (Genny) Jewkes, coach of the nascent Price Chapter Circles, declared, “We’re very excited to get the grant. This community is very good at pulling together.” This is not a pilot project. It is a proven method. It works.”
Contact Julie Rosier by telephone at (435) 613-0065 or by email, jwalker@seualg.utah.gov. Call Genny Jewkes at (435) 613-0066 or email gjewkes@seualg.utah.gov.

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