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Letter to the Editor: Just the tip of an iceberg

By Sun Advocate

Can a person go to hell for telling a lie?
If so, somebody ought to tell David Stern, the commissioner of the NBA.
I’m just an unsophisticated fan and if it’s obvious to me that there is a “pattern” of dishonest calls intended to favor one team over another then it should be quite apparent to everyone in the NBA officials office, Stern included.
The following taken from a news report from last season.
“David Stern blamed a “rogue, isolated criminal” Tuesday for a betting scandal that has devastated the league and threatened the credibility of every referee. A subdued Stern said he felt betrayed by former referee Tim Donaghy, the target of an FBI investigation for allegedly betting on games, including some he officiated, over the last two seasons.
Stern said he believed no other officials or players would be implicated in the betting scandal.”
Based on the officiating that I’ve seen this year I would suspect that Mr. Donaghy is the tip of an iceberg.

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