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Staff column: Event support important to the area

By Sun Advocate

This past weekend if anyone complained about the fact there is “nothing to do in Carbon County” they weren’t looking very closely at the large number of events going on in the area.
In fact it was one of the busiest weekends I can remember for a long time, in terms of happenings in the area.
Not only did the Utah Symphony come to the town of Helper and give those who attended a magnificent show, but on Saturday a huge shooting exhibition took place at the North Springs Recreation Area, a professional bull riding event was being held at the Carbon County Fairgrounds and a wildlife dinner at the BDAC. On top of that were a myriad of smaller events that went on in the community on Saturday.
I couldn’t go to all of these, but I did go to the Maynard and Mozart event in Helper. It was wonderful, with the towns art galleries open for a stroll and then being able to top that off with some very sweet music performed by a professional symphony group made the day as good as it could be.
These kinds of special weekends take place a few times a year here in Carbon County. It seems at times that the moon aligns with the planets and the stars and we get some great things going on.
Yet there is still that crowd in our area that says nothing ever happens in Carbon County.
If Saturday wasn’t an example of there being something for everyone to do in an area of thise population base, I don’t know what else could be done.
The fact is, the more support we give to events that go on in our area, the more we will have the opportunity to do in the future.
Carbon County should be proud of the fact that we can put on great events.
And supporting them by attending will show that pride.

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