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CEU Battles for First SWAC Win



By Sun Advocate

A CEU player serves during a previous game at the BDAC.

For a team that is struggling this season, heading over to play Colorado Northwestern was a breath of fresh air.
CNCC has not had a volleyball team for several years and is trying to rebuild its program.
So the Eagles were looking for a win. That is just what they got on Saturday night.
The team was able to take the match with three straight wins 30-21, 30-22, 30-24.
Karissa Law lead the way with 10 kills. Olivia Fowler had 10 and Nikki Griffiths added nine to solidify the CEU offense. Jennie Rudder also had a solid game with six blocks and six kills.
Coach Martindale was surprised a little by the strength of NWCC. “They are well coached and better than I thought they’d be.
It won’t be long before they become a great team. But we played good enough to get the job done.”
Next up will be a trip to Snow on Thursday night. Martindale knows his team is fairly evenly matched with Snow but they will have to play their A game to get a win.
“We are a team still looking for our identity. Some moments we play great and other ones, not so good.”
The Eagles will head up to take on SLCC this Friday night at 7:00. SLCC is destroying all comers and are currently tied for number two in the nation.
Martindale knows going in it will be a battle, but they have a plan and will try and stay in the match.
The team will not see a home game until October 20th.

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