100- Giveaways
2 FERRETS FREE to good home. Cage and accessories included. 613-0869. (01182f)
2 YEAR OLD Mastiff, female, free to good home. 653-2503, 820-6709. (01163f)
LOVING INDOOR cat, white with black tail, spayed. 637-2805. (01182f)
103- Moving and Storage
STEEL STORAGE containers: 20′ and 40′. Financing available. New/used. We deliver. (435)527-4662. www.crosswindsstorage.com (0516tf)
104- Personal
ADOPT: A life of security & unconditional love awaits your newborn. Expenses paid. Please call Sheri & Ross @ 1-888-659-2229. (01234p)
ADOPTION, A loving choice! Help a loving happily married couple give your baby a lifetime of love, security, happiness. Expenses paid. Merle and David 1-800-816-8424. (01184p)
REFINANCE NOW! Consolidate all bills to one easy payment. Credit cards, second mortgages, vehicle loans. Call now to get free quotes. 801-368-0292. (01238p)
105- Special Notices
BEST SEA Burger in town- And fresh cut fries! Velvet Freeze, call in orders welcome. 637-1954. (0131tf)
FREE 10 WK. Organ classes for the retirees. Need an instrument? Rent one for $1.49/wk. Classes include wellness activities, sing-alongs, and fun. Call Patty 801-319-3904 to start your new hobby today. Lessons at Senior Center. (01188b)
NEW PROM, wedding, flower girl dresses, accessories. Rental tuxedos, slips. Appointment, Sweet Creations, 381-2017.(01098p)
UPS SERVICE is available at CJ’s Do it center. Open 7 days/wk. 710 E. Main, Price. (125tf)
112- Business Opportunity
100- WORKERS NEEDED. Assemble crafts, wood items. Materials provided. $480 + wk. Free info. pkg. 24 hr. 801-428-4648. (01096p)
113- Help Wanted
**ATTENTION** LADIES: Avon has great opportunities. Earn extra $$$, work own hours. 637-0136. Ind./sls./rep.(87tf)
BINDERY MACHINE Operator. Will train, but must have some experience operating machines. Full-time shifts. Wage depends on experience. Call Suzette 637-0256. (0109ft)
CARPENTER HELPERS wanted. Wage depends on experience. Call Trenton Bennett, 435-749-0722. (01234p)
CERTIFIED NURSES Aides, Non-Certified Aides needed full time or part time at Castle Country Care Center, 1340 East 300 North, Price. Health benefits packages available and shift differential available. New wage scale is available. 637-9213. (0613tf)
CJ’S IS looking for HVAC Tech. Must be Refrigerant certified. CJ’s, 710 E. Main. 636-8100. (0831tf)
COAL PREPARATION Technician position at SGS Minerals Services, 435-653-2311. (01166p)
COWBOY KITCHEN is accepting applications for Food Servers. Apply in person, 31 E. Main, Wellington. (0315tf)
DRIVERS WANTED: Local coal haul. Health insurance. Great pay. Ask how you can win a Harley Davidson. 801-870-8506. (01048p)
HELP WANTED Sales and delivery person. Competitive wages, apply in person. Southwest Plumbing Supply, 190 South 100 West. (01114b)
LOCAL COMPANY has an opening for an accountant. Must have experience in taxes, quarterly’s, A/R, A/P, Payroll, G/L, excel, word, etc. Send resume to P.O. 714, Price, Utah 84501. (0110tf)
PERSONAL ASSISTANT needed in Huntington. Full & part time positions available. Days & afternoons. $8-$9/hour. 435-687-9580. (01046p)
RADIO ADVERTISING Salesperson. Training available. Eastern Utah Broadcasting Co. KOAL-Kickin Country. Apply by phone M-F 8:30-5p.m. 637-1167. Equal Opportunity Employer. (511tf)
RETIRED AND looking for something to do? CJ’s is looking for help. Part time, flexible hours and days. Apply at 710 E. Main, Price. (0718tf)
SECRET SHOPPER opportunities available in Price and Wellington. Fun, part-time job. Call 801-274-0220 or 800-723-9008. (01182p)
121- Building and Construction
CABINETS, FROM complete design to installation. CJ’s Do it center, 710 E. Main, Price. (125tf)
LARRY DAVIS Construction. General contractor. Licensed and insured. No job too small. Call 650-2022.(916tf)
122- Cleaning Services
ALWAYS CALL a professional. Walls, ceilings, windows. Free estimates. Call Trudy Axelsen, 637-4558, 650-9327.(78tf)
HOUSECLEANING- LOCAL references. $10 per hr. Call me, 650-6199. (01118p)
NICE N’ Shiney Cleaning for your home, office or business. Years experience. Lots of good references. Call Pat, 637-2384. (01184b)
OVERWHELMED? HAVE things you just can’t do? Call Maid 4 You. Licensed. 472-3388 or 472-3283. (01118p)
125- Miscellaneous Services
TREE SERVICE & lawn care. Lot clean up. Local company. Free estimates. Call 435-820-1835/435-820-0067.(01 09116p)
126- Painting
INTERIOR/EXTERIOR painting. Free estimates. Senior citizen discount. No job too small. 637-2954. (1028tf)
131- Apartments for Rent
1 BEDROOM APARTMENT close to college. Shared laundry room, all utilites included. No pets, 1 year lease. $575 per month. Call for appointment (637-RENT). (1114tf)
1 BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent in Helper $330 month, includes Questar. 472-5213 M-F, 8-5p.m. (1214tf)
1 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Price $450/month, first and last+ $250 deposit. Coin-op washer/dryer. Remodeled, with new furnace and air conditioning, covered carport with storage. 435-637-5189. (01238b)
1BR, 1 bath upstairs of a duplex in Price for $345/month, $345 deposit. Call Mike Metzger at Bridge Realty, 820-6469. (01234b)
2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Huntington. 687-9272. (0104tf)
2 BEDROOM APARTMENTfor rent in Price. No pets. 637-2115. (1017tf)
2 BEDROOM, NE Price, large rooms, dishwasher, coin laundry. Call 650-4067 or Bridge Realty.637-7900.(0104tf)
FERRON 2 BEDROOM, gas heat, fenced yard $375 + deposit. No pets. 80 E. 200 North. (435)384-2865. (0106tf)
FERRON-TWO bedroom apartment for $385 per month. Call 749-0848. (01234p)
FURNISHED 1BR basement apartment for rent. Gas, washer & dryer included. 1/4 block from college. No smoking/pets. $375. 435-630-6559. (09288b)
IN HUNTINGTON, fully furnished 3 bedroom, 1 bath apartments available Rent starts at: $900 for long term and $1,000 for short term All utilities paid. Unfurnished apartments available: rent starts at $425 for long term and $600 for short term 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, carport, fireplace, dishwasher, stove and refrigerator included. Water, sewer, garbage paid. Contact Tammy Moore, Trails End Realty, 637-1884.(1026tf)
LARGE 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath apartment in North Price. No pets, no smoking within 30 feet of building. Washer/dryer hookup. $475/month, $450 cleaning deposit. References required. Call 650-9956. (01234p)
NICE 1 BEDROOM in Helper. Rent includes all utilities. Available now. No pets. 472-0255.(1205tf)
NICE 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath apartment in North Price. No pets, no smoking within 30 feet of building. Rent $375/mo., cleaning deposit $325. References required. Call 650-9956. (01232p)
ORANGEVILLE LARGE 2-story 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, laundry room. Many extras. No pets. References. $430/month. 748-2394. (225tf)
SMALL STUDIO apartment, fully furnished, all utilities with laundry. 650-3368. (0815tf)
STUDIO APARTMENT in Price. Utilities included. No pets, 1 year lease. $435 per month. Call for appointment (637-RENT) (1114tf)
VERY CLEAN large and small kitchenettes, ideal for out-of- town workers. 637-0950. (tf)
132- Houses for Rent
2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH in Helper. W/D hookups. No pets. 472-0255. (0118tf)
2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH. New paint, carpet, vinyl in kitchen. $500+deposit. 801-596-3201 or 801-455-5870.(01186p)
2BD, 1BA house, garage $395 month. Security deposit. Non smoking. No pets. References required. 637-6632. (01182p)
2BD, 1BA newly remodeled $550/month. Call Carla, Bridge Realty, 650-9737. (01232b)
3BR, 1BA house in Elmo. Nice, quiet place. $500 per month, $500 deposit. 650-8005, 650-8026. (01232b)
LEASE TO own 3 BD in Price, close to schools/park. $3,000 down, $700/month. 415 N. 200 East. 480-213-4751. (0123tf)
NEWLY REMODELED 2 bd, 1 bth, Helper, no smoking, no pets. $500 month. 650-9501. (01164p)
NICE 3BR, 1 bath home in North Price $675/month, $675 deposit. Call Mike Metzger at Bridge Realty, 820-6469. (01234b)
OLDER 4 BEDROOM, 1 bath home for rent. Single garage and carport. No smoking/pets. 435-384-3336, 435-630-6282. (0118p)
THREE BEDROOM, 1 bath home in East Carbon. Located at 118 4th West Street. $400 per month, $400 deposit. No smoking, no pets. For more information, please phone RE/MAX Raptor Realty, 613-1313. (1107tf)
TWO, 1 BEDROOM, 1 bath apartments for rent $300 deposit, $300 rent. Smoking and pets okay. Located at 20 and 22 Main in Helper. Please call RE/MAX Raptor Realty @ 613-1313. (1205tf)
134- Mobile Homes for Rent
2 BEDROOM MOBILE home for rent $275; 3 bedroom, 2 bath doublewide $475. 637-7469.(0111tf)
RENT/SALE. 14X70 mobile home in Wellington. 2BD, 1BA, private lot. $400/month rent, sell $12,000. Cheap lot rent. Drive by 175 South 600 East. If interested call 637-2310. (0116tf)
135- Mobile Home Spaces
CASTLE DALE, Utah. RV park and mobile home spaces for rent Long or short term. Esquire Estates. 435-381-5167/leave message. (0811tf)
136- Office Space
AFFORDABLE SPACE including business assistance, internet, access to equipment, phone system, meeting rooms. 637-5032 ext 408, www.btacenter.com.(010916b)
137- Rentals Wanted
RENTAL WANTED Small family needing a 3-4 bedroom home in the North Price area. Have 1 outside pet. References available. Call 637-4049. (01184p)
138- Rooms for Rent
ROOMMATES WANTED. Big, furnished home. Private rooms, TV’s, washer/dry, etc. $100-$125 a week. 435-381-5129. (110724p)
139- Commercial Rentals
COMMERCIAL KITCHEN for lease in Price. Call 637-5032 ext. 408, www.btacenter.com (011616b)
141- Commercial Property
PRICE 2,400 SQ. ft. warehouse. Cash allowance to bring in power and water. 637-1432.(1228tf)
142- Farms and Ranches
ELMO, EMERY County. 117 acres irrigated land includes 400 shares Class “A” water, 200 shares Class “B” water and farm equipment in good running condition. Priced to sell! Livestock sold separately. Serious buyers call 435-653-2496 or 435-749-0770 for details. (01238p)
WANTED FARMABLE property with or without water. Buy or lease in Elmo area. 435-749-2533. (01114p)
143- Houses for Sale
212- SOUTH 200 EAST, Huntington. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths upstairs. Partially finished basement. Hardwood flooring. New carpet, central air/heat. All new windows. 749-1009. (01164p)
3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, 1700 Sq. Ft. home on .70 acres. Walk in closets, Wood-burning stove, new carpet and Light fixtures. Sprinkler System, RV parking. 350 East Molen Road, Ferron. 384-3242. (01188p)
3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, 2 car garage. New paint, new carpet, new gas furnace, new roof. RV parking, dog run, one block from Castle Heights Elem. Ready to move in. 1736 E. Castle Ave. $139,000. Call 650-1581. (1221tf)
3BR, 1BA, 120 S. Maple St., Wellington. Carpet, laminate flooring less than 1 yr., new interior doors, re designed kitchen. Move in ready. Sell $75,000, or rent $650/month. (01238p)
5BD, 3BA, 1/3 acre, finished basement, newly landscaped. $145,000. 925 N. 600 East, Price. 637-4215.(01238p)
COMPLETE REMODEL, 2150Sq.Ft., 6 bdrm, 1 3/4ba, financing available, low down, closing costs, paid 150K. 435-650-8181 (01188p)
FERRON, BIGGER than it looks! Nice 5 bedroom, 1 bath plumbed for second, new flooring/paint, multi-level, open corner lot, 12×16 shed. 500 West Ferron Creek Drive. 435-384-2722. (01118p)
FIXER W/POTENTIAL, new roof, meter base. Finish basement & attic for additional space. $25K, 435-650-8181. (01188p)
MUST SELL East Carbon 5 bedroom, 2 bath, 2.5 acres, 2,800 sq. ft., vinyl siding, thermal windows. Remodeling in process. 636-8750, 650-5592. (01238p)
ONLY $1000 Down; Classy remodeled 3 bdrm, 1971 Sq. Ft., Quality paint, cabinetry, flooring. Financing available $108K, closing costs paid. 435-650-8181. (01188p)
OWNER WILL carry contract. 2 bedroom home in Sunnyside. $35,000. 801-596-3211, 801-641-2899. (01048p)
WESTWOOD 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath, living room, huge family room, storage. 637-6605. (01048p)
144- Lots and Acreages
1/2 ACRE LOTS at 576 W. 1150 South, Price $35,000. 435-650-9144. (01188b)
LOTS FOR sale. New subdivision. Excellent NE Price location, close to schools, churches and parks. Priced from $45,000. Call 650-3520. (1003tf)
PRICE, 1/2 ACRE lot, single or multi family. Water and sewer connection included. 435-637-5639. (01158p)
145- Mobile Homes
2 BEDROOM ON 3.49 of an acre. Call 637-2549. (1121tf)
BANK REPOS. Mobile homes- single & double wides, 1-5 bedrooms starting at $15,000. 801-550-9461.(12288p)
RENT TO own 2 & 3BD. 2 months free lot space w/approved credit. 637-6204.(01028p)
147- Real Estate Wanted
BUYING HOMES & cabins in Carbon County. Don’t foreclose. Call Scott, Etzel Realty, 820-2393.(1201tf)
149- Water Shares
SCOFIELD RESERVOIR water shares for sale. Contact Nancy, Agent, Re/Max Raptor Realty, 613-1313. (54tf)
WANTED: WATER shares Scofield (P.R.W.U.A.), Carbon Canal, Pioneer #1, Pioneer #2, Price Water Co., Allred Ditch. Submit proposals to P.O. Box 700, Price, UT 84501 or call 650-0039. (0512tf)
WILLING TO buy Muddy Creek water shares, will pay cash, need 32, 749-0168. 286-2324. (010416b)
151- Farm Equipment
1997 HESSTON 1/2 TON hay baler, Model 4755, Serial #4755-00416, tractor mounted controls included $31,900. Also like new 4 bale accumulator $8,500. Both located in Emery County, Utah. Call 749-2869. (01098p)
164- Livestock
FOR SALE, Black Angus Bulls/Heifers, Lady J Land & Livestock, Price, Utah. Ken Lake 435-630-0306 or www.ladyjlivestock.com (0613tf)
HORSES: BUY, sell or trade. All kinds. Call 653-2327. (0920tf)
166- Pets
COCKER PUPS, adorable, AKC $300 and $350. Males. Shots. Must see. 435-384-2234, 435-749-0047. (01028p)
MALE YORKSHIRE Terriers born Oct. 29, 2006 $700. 613-1653. (01164b)
171- Fuel and Wood
FIREWOOD FOR sale. Call 637-0668. (0905tf)
172- Furniture
HIGH QUALITY, solid wood futon bed. Blue. $100/best offer. 472-0137. (01232f)
OAK DAYBED w/mattress for sale. 637-5056. (01184p)
174- Yard Sale/Garage Sale
BIG SALE every Friday, Castle Dale, 535 E. Main, 8a.m.-7p.m. New to antique: toys, furniture, glassware, Star Wars, swords, Hot Wheels, books, dolls. New items coming in every week. (1006tf)
177- Miscellaneous for Sale
BEAUTY SHOP equipment for sale. Call 637-3258. (01098p)
OLDER ROCKWELL 4″ jointer, perfect condition $150. Call 650-0889. (01232b)
PAINT UP a storm with Pratt & Lambert paint in stock at CJ’s, 710 E. Main, Price, 636-8100. (0428tf)
SEARS TWO stage snow blower, 7-1/2hp., used 3 times. New $700, sell $450. 435-637-2361. (01234p)
SNOWPLOW FOR a pickup. Asking $600. Call 687-9352. (01096p)
USED GAS furnace, ducting, coal furnace, electric water heater, wood burning fireplace unit. Call 637-1439 after 6p.m. (0118tf)
UTAH JAZZ tickets. Cleveland, Phoenix, San Antonio, Seattle and more. Call 637-4022. (1205tf)
182- Sporting Goods
RUGER MARK I 22 caliber semiautomatic pistol $300. Call 650-0889. (01232b)
189- Fireplaces and Stoves
STOKERMATIC SALES and Service, and parts. 653-2281. (0926tf)
VENT-FREE fireplaces. 99.9% efficient. Starting at $399. CJ’s Do it center, 710 E. Main, Price. 636-8100. (125tf)
192- Autos, New and Used
“92 PONTIAC GRAND Am $250/best offer. Great for parts. Call (435)650-6314 anytime. (01184p)
’04 CADILLAC DEVILLE. Fully loaded. Leather, CD player. Factory warranty. $15,595. Helper Auto, 472-5533.(01232b)
’04 PONTIAC GRAND Prix GT. Loaded! 60K. $8,900 firm. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01232b)
’89 OLDS $500 CASH. Needs work. Runs great. 613-1902. (01114p)
’99 CADILLAC DEVILLE North Star. Leather. Loaded! $6,400. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01232b)
1993 FORD TEMPO $1,050 637-5059, 749-0529. (01164p)
1994 CHRYSLER CONCORDE $1,350. 637-5059, 749-0529. (01164p)
2003 SUBARU BAJA AWD, only 30,500 mi. Outstanding cond. $14,500. Call 435-636-8623, ask for Creed. (01234p)
SALE AT Auto Alley- ’01 Chevy S-10, fully loaded; ’00 Pont. Sunfire; ’85 15 pass. Van. 650-8005. (01232p)
WANTED TO buy: 1973 and older station wagons and pickup trucks. 636-1065. (121424p)
195- Motor Homes
’05 NOMAD FIFTH wheel. Large slide out. Excellent condition, asking $21,500/OBO. Serious inquiries only. 435-653-2498. (01168p)
197- 4 Wheel Drive
’01 CHEV 2500 4X4 Crew Cab, 8.1 LWB, auto, air. $6,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533.(01232b)
’01 CHEV 2500HD EXT. Cab 4X4. Excellent! $13,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01232b)
’02 FORD EXPEDITION Eddie Bauer, leather. Loaded! $13,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01232b)
’04 JEEP GRAND Cherokee Laredo. Fully loaded! $16,400. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01232b)
’05 FORD FREESTYLE SEL AWD. Super nice. 3rd seat. $14,800. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01232b)
1996 CHEV K3500 CREW Cab 1 ton 4X4. Lift. LWB. $4,500. Helper Auto, 472-5533.(01232b)
2003 FORD F250 SUPER Duty Lariat Power Stroke Turbo diesel. Lifted, oversized wheels, chrome rims. Excellent condition. $28,500. 637-0812, 650-1634. (01095p)
CUMMINS 2005 4X4 Turbo diesel truck. Excellent condition! New tires. Low miles. $30,000/OBO. 650-6966. (01234p)
200- Trucks and Vans
’01 NISSAN FRONTIER SE Ext. Cab, V6. Loaded! 39K. $12,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (01232b)
1986 FORD RANGER pickup, 4-cylinder 5-speed, 2WD. Good condition. $1,500. Call 650-0889. (01232b)
2000 FORD F250 SUPER Duty Ext. Cab, 7.3 Power Stroke. Lift, custom wheels, many extras. Call 637-0251. (01048p)
2002 CHEVY 2500HD Long Bed 2WD $6,300. 435-849-0293 after 5p.m. (01164b)
203- ATVs
LOW COST ATV insurance. 4 companies to choose from. Call Price Insurance, 637-3351. (0926tf)