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Rantings and Ravings

By Sun Advocate

As the weather warms up I have become a little more serious about getting in shape. That is mostly because I love to play in the summer and everything I like to do requires me to be in decent shape if I am to really enjoy myself.
Despite eating better and working out fairly regularly, I have been dragging a bit. So I decided that maybe I ought to start taking a multi-vitamin. I have taken them once in a while, but setting a pill-taking regiment has never been a strong suit of mine. But this time it might be different. So while grocery shopping this weekend, I browsed the vitamin aisle.
I thought the choice on what to take shouldn’t be that difficult, and should just be either name brand or generic. But then I began to look at the array before me. I am a woman so the women’s multi should have been a logical choice. But I am over 50 so I started to think I needed the “Silver” ones just for those of us who are mature.
I was having trouble with the fine print on some of the bottles so I began to think that the ones for good eye health might be the best choice for me. I found I just couldn’t read the ingredient list to know why those were better than the “Silver” ones.
But then there was that whole skin rejuvenating line of vitamins as well. I hate to admit it, but there is some sun damage beginning to rear its ugly head. I thought if I bought those maybe I’d look young enough that I wouldn’t even have to consider ever buying the “Silver” type.
Suddenly a mini hot flash engulfed me and my eyes spotted the bottles full of vitamins just for pre-menopausal women. They claimed to reduce mood swings. My husband might have been happy if I had chosen those.
Well, I thought, at least I don’t have to consider the type that will help promote good prostate health.
Then I thought again. As a woman over 50 I have to start really thinking about my higher risk of heart problems. I was thinking that maybe I needed the brand that says it focuses on heart health.
By that time I hadn’t even looked at the vitimins for colon health, joint and cartilage repair or bone strength. Those are all choices as a multi vitamin or an add-on.
Now I’d been pacing up and down the aisle and muttering to myself long enough that the store clerks were becoming suspicious. Of course I never get very spiffied up to shop on the weekend so I think I may have been coming off as some crazy bag lady. Come to think about it, I never get dressed up to go anywhere any more so who cares.
But going back to the vitamin selection, I began to wonder why I had to chose between what areas I want the healthiest in my life.
Maybe I could have bought them all and rotated them on a day to day basis. But even purchasing all generic would have required a bank loan to buy them all.
The problem with our world today is an overload of choices. Each and every product on the market today seems like it has an overwhelming array of selections to chose from. In the end I think that trend hurts consumer choice rather than helping it.
I decided to contemplate the decision on which vitimin to purchase while finishing my shopping. In the end I bought a couple of energy drinks and a magazine that promised to put the zing back into my life in 25 days.
If all goes according to the article I will be feeling like running ultra marathons in 19 more days.
Now I think I need another energy drink, but I’m too tired to get up and go to the kitchen and get it.

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