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Letter to the Editor: Enough is enough

By Sun Advocate

Enough is enough! Comparing World War II and the terrorist attack on 9-11 was typical Republican reasoning. You’re talking about an era when America belonged to Americans, when black was black and white was white. When there was the right and the wrong way.
First off the problems in the middle east will never cease until Jesus Christ sets his foot down on the Mount of Olives and ends it Himself, now, this is not my prediction but the words from the Holy Bible; you know that book that has been proven accurate over and over. The book where every prediction has come to pass. This same book has archeological proof for every city mentioned, tombs, etc. Even the walls of Jericho have been found pushed in the earth. The same walls where the book says the Lord sent the angels to push them in the ground so the Canaanites could claim the land God had given them.
The Arabs are the descendants of Ishmael. Because Abraham disobeyed the Lord and did not believe Sara would bear him a child he took his handmaiden, thus, the result of that union was Ishmael. The Lord said, of Ishmael in Genesis 17, 12, “And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.”
In a column in early November 2006, Tom McCourt quoted Abraham Lincoln on the price of freedom. Freedom for whom, Mr. McCourt? There are many different kids of freedoms. The freedom for children to grow up having a father or mother. The freedom to feel safe in our own country. The freedom for our elderly to be able to afford much needed medications. Just a few weeks ago it was on the world news that a young boy died because an infected tooth spread to his brain. His mother did not have the funds to take him to the dentist.
The lives that have been lost in Iraq, and for what? As soon as we leave another dictator will take over. Most Iraqi’s do not even want us there. The billions of American dollars spent on this fiasco are sickening. Mr. McCourt mentioned the war on poverty here and AIDS. Imagine how it would have benefited Americans if those monies had been spent on “protecting our borders, helping our poor and much needed medical research for all.”
Also in one of his November articles he said America had accomplished its goal; Saddam was in jail. Oh yes, all is well. Saddam was in jail. What a statement. He was just a very small piece of the puzzle. Now Bush has Iran to deal with and there are many more Islamic countries behind them. Where and when will it end? When we have no more soldiers and funds to fight this godless war?
My father, a United States Air Force vet of World War II, made this remark before he passed away. He said, “Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld should lead the charge over there.” Maybe you could have joined them Mr. McCourt. Take the blinders off and look at the facts. It is time Americans stood up for our country and our borders and our people.

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