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Letter to the Editor: Incorrect assumptions

By Sun Advocate

After reading Mr. Wright’s response (The Great Democrat Conspiracy) which was printed in the Sun Advocate and the Emery County Progress April 3 to my letter (Global Warming) which was printed in the Emery County Progress March 22 I at first decided not to respond. Later after once again reading his letter I decided to do so.
Mr. Wright’s letter makes several assumptions and attributes several beliefs to me that are incorrect. I urge anyone interested to read my letter and then read his.
In his first paragraph Mr. Wright writes several outlandish statements that he credits to me by writing, he is sure that is what Ned Scarlet “would have you believe.” He writes that I have “led him to believe there is a great Democrat conspiracy in the scientific community.”
Apparently when leading Mr. Wright, a short leash is required lest he wanders too far. I never used the word conspiracy; this word comes from Mr. Wright. I simply believe the Democratic Party has been a great deal more skillful than the Republican Party at capitalizing on global warming fears.
He mentions that I quote Thomas Sowell, which I did. He asks “what great scientific university did Dr. Sowell graduate from?” Mr. Sowell’s quote, “It is not just the sky that is falling. Government money is falling on those who seek grants to study global warming and produce “solutions” for it'” is not used to support scientific evidence for or against global warming. I use it for what it states. People who study global warming stand to make a lot of money off of global warming fears. Mr. Sowell is more than qualified to make this statement.
Mr. Wright talks about scientific theory in his letter. He uses the theory of gravity as an example. The theory of gravity is provable and can be tested with experiment. If man made global warming is provable, to the standard of gravitational law, it has a long way to go. That is why Al Gore is jetting all over the world frightening little children with his fantasy movie An Inconvenient Truth.
Mr. Wright writes that much cited research comes from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), it does. Research and opinion also comes from a great many other sources, sources that do not believe that man made global warming is as huge a problem as many in the political and scientific world make it out to be.
Finally he writes, by using sarcasm, that he isn’t reassured by my belief that mankind will adapt. He doubts my belief will help him feel cozy at night. Then he adds he doesn’t need my reassurance “there’s greater than a 90 percent chance that I’ll have the temperature to do that”
Sorry I can’t comfort you. So let me give you some advice. Wait until New Yorkers are fishing from the third story windows of their Manhattan skyscrapers, before you throw away your favorite blanky, or jerk the furnace out of your house. You write there is a 90 percent chance the temperature will keep you cozy at night, that’s pretty good odds, but I suggest you be patient. I’ve seen this before.
In a decade or so global warming will be replaced with a new looming catastrophe, a new catastrophe which will require all your skill and devotion. Hopefully at that time you can find the comfort that now eludes you by placing balloons and lighting a candle at global warming’s memorial in the great “Sky is falling boneyard.”

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