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Letter to the Editor: Not perfect world

By Sun Advocate

To all of the members of the Carbon County community who feel the need to involve the whole state in your personal vendetta, I have one question.
Who died and left the job of judge and jury to you? If any of you looked into a mirror, I’m sure you wouldn’t see “Mr. Perfect” looking back at you. Many of you are affluent local people who in your lives have undoubtedly also made some enemies by having said or done something that someone viewed as inappropriate.
Wake up people. We’re not living in a perfect world. None of us are perfect, and certainly none of us have the right to persecute someone because they don’t fit our ideal.
Someone very close to this issue has advised another to “grow up”. Good advice. Let’s all try it.
Many people have come here to vent and voice their opinions on the capabilities and practices of a particular person. There has been a barrage of half truths and out and out lies. Persons of stature have used their influence to defame an honest person.
The facts are out there and have been documented. There has been no dishonesty of any kind in this man’s actions.
If there are community members out there who feel the need to see blood, donate some to the local blood drive.

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