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Dino baseballs’ winning streak up to nine



By Sun Advocate

Camron Oliver tries for a homer, but doesn’t quite make it.

Carbon High baseballs’ season just keeps getting better for the Dinos. With the last game against Delta behind them, Carbon added another notch for their region wins on April 22. Carbon won by just one point, ending the game 5-6.
Both teams had ten hits in the game, but Carbon took home the win thanks to the extra effort of the team. Chris Hatch pitched an amazing game for the Dinos having made nine strikeouts against Delta, and three RBIs for the team.
Tyler Nelson played a great game and scored two doubles for the Dinos, while Joe Via, arriving at the second base safely after a great hit, also scored a double for Carbon High.
The Dinos also played against Davis on April 20, adding another win to the record. The game against the Davis Darts started out slowly for both teams and was a low scoring game.
Davis started out the game by scoring one run in the third inning and one in the fifth inning bringing them ahead of Carbon, who had no points as of yet.
Starting out slowly, the Dinos didn’t score any runs until the sixth inning of the game, while Davis was ahead with two. Fearing the loss and the end of a streak, Carbon pulled together and went on to score another point in the eighth inning, bringing them ahead of the Darts, 2-3, and helping them end the game with a win and adding to their winning streak.
Adam Martinez pitched all eight innings for Carbon High in the game against the Darts, having seven strikeouts. Martinez also made a wild pitch, but scored one RBI in the eighth inning that drove in the winning run for Carbon High School.
Also in this game, Carbon sophomore, Kyle Asey, scored the Dinos’ only double of the game.
The next scheduled game for Carbon High School is against Lehi, who has dropped to a less intimidating number nine in 3A teams in state. This game will be the last home game of the season for Carbon High School.
The previous game against Lehi was a close one, with just a one point lead on Lehi that turned into a 5-4 win for Carbon. With their last game against Lehi turning into a win for the Dinos, Carbon should go into the next game strong yet cautious.
This should make for a great game for fans with Lehi being a tough competitor for most teams. This game is scheduled for today at 3:30 p.m., at Carbon High Schools’ baseball field, and should be a great game for fans.
After Lehi, the Dinos have only one more game left in the season. This game is against North Sanpete and will be an away game for Carbon.
Doing great so far this season, the baseball team is inching their way toward the state tournament. They also have an excellent chance of winning both of the remaining games of the season. Currently, Carbon High is number one in region eight, and the number two 3A team in state, at 13-5, right behind Bear River.

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