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Rantings and Ravings

By Sun Advocate

Nice weather seems to have been a bit slow in coming this spring. While we welcome all the rain, most of us were getting a bit antsy to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. We live in a great community for that. We are surrounded by hiking, biking, hunting, camping, boating and four wheeling opportunities.
Right here in Price and the surrounding cities, we have incredible outdoor facilities and programs to access. For a community our size we have an amazing array of things to do. There are also more things in the works. There are great activities for kids and adults alike.
The kids will be out for the summer soon. They will be looking for stuff to do. There are so many activities for them to do, but unfortunately just because the experiences are available does not mean that kids will go.
For parents who are working it is difficult to get kids to activities during the day. If the activity does not begin before work, lunch or after work; logistics to get them there can be difficult. If you work in Price and you live in Wellington, Helper or East Carbon, it is almost impossible. The community needs a small public transportation system. Our activities and community resources are located in Price. Many lower income families live outside of Price because cheaper housing can be found outside of the city.
Cost also keeps parents from enrolling their kids in activities. Most of the Carbon Recreation fees are already low, but they will work with low-income families to reduce the cost, if needed. If you enroll your child in every activity that is out there the cost can get pretty steep. But if you pick and choose you will get more than your money’s worth of fun and experiences for your child. And it will be much cheaper than losing a days work to sit with them in Juvenile Court after they smashed the windows at some empty house just cuz they were bored.
We need to find ways to get our kids out of the house and playing during the summer. Many of our kids are locked in the house watching TV and playing video games until parents come home to keep them “safe.” We are so fearful of “stranger danger.” Recent stories in the news have heightened that fear. The sad thing is that even in those cases the children were hurt or killed by someone the family knew and not by a stranger.
Know your neighbors. Start a network of parents to help look out for each other’s kids. Have your child check in often with you during the day. Set limits and rules on where they can go and who they can be with. Share transportation duties with others in your parent network.
Our kids need to play. Many individuals have dedicated much time and effort into getting us world class recreation opportunities in this community.
Don’t let those opportunities go to waste.

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