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Letter to the Editor: Females turn to be in charge?

By Sun Advocate

I read with interest the letter written by William Sharp (“Sanctity of life has been lost,”Sun Advocate, June 8).
Mr. Sharp referred to Hitler’s euthanasia program of killing anyone deemed to have an incurable illness or deformities. Everyone knows that the Nazi Party envisioned a ‘master race’, which would include only Caucasian, ‘Christian’, physically sound peoples. Everyone also knows that Adolph Hitler was a psychopathic, homicidal tyrant and coward. So I was surprised to learn that according to Mr. Sharp “… Hitler’s euthanasia machine was a small time operator when compared with the hundreds of institutions now killing the deformed in the U.S.”
Since the beginning of recorded history men have believed that God put them in charge of everything; gave them dominion over everything; and most especially over women. So much responsibility, guys, ..however do you manage it all? Obviously being a female, I’ve had a problem with this attitude.
Mr. Sharp mentions the Democratic Party and Planned Parenthood as the ‘evil-doers’ of legalizing contraception in his letter. It will come as no large surprise that I am a member of both. I take great pride in the fact that while attending college, (during the Vietnam War); my friends and I were able to lower the voting age to eighteen, and eventually make birth control options, including abortion, legal. If your President sees fit to fight a war using your body, you should have the right to support or reject him in the voting booth. And if a young man has unprotected sex with a girl and a child is conceived, the girl should have the option to terminate the pregnancy if her young Don Juan chooses to ride off into the sunset. Until men are made to be equally responsible for any life they create, women should be allowed to make decisions concerning their bodies just as men do theirs.
We must be careful to avoid trying to limit the size of families. But always remember that having a child is a privilege, not a right! I believe in the ideal of Planned Parenthood, even though I realize it may well be impossible to achieve. If every child was planned and wanted, it would be a marvelous thing.
It is men who impregnate women, men who rape women, and in some religions it is the men who force the young girls to marry older men of their faith. Because plural marriage is illegal, it is we the taxpayer who shelter and feed these illegitimate children. It is offensive to me when these fathers have more than enough wealth to take care of them.
I found his statement that women were aborting deformed fetus’s “…because continuing their lives poses some inconvenience…” both incredibly insulting and shocking. The word ‘inconvenient’ trivializes both the emotions and the challenges these parents are faced with. Why not organize a program where parents teach not only girls, but boys also, about the emotional maturity necessary before engaging in sex? Such a program could perhaps point out the sexually transmitted diseases that are incurable.
We live in a democracy, and the legalization of contraception has been voted on, and approved. Please remember the fact that if someone does not agree with contraception, including abortion, they simply do not have to practice it. No one, not even we ‘liberalized’ women would force anyone to do so. I do not presume to have the right to tell anyone which religion to follow, the number of children they should have, or that they are going to heaven or to hell; based upon their choices. I have seen countries where there is no birth control, where the population has far outstripped the countries’ resources; and where hate and anger rule exclusively. The world has known many atrocities committed in the name of religion, and the horrific events of 9-11 were some of them. Moral arrogance is a dangerous path to follow.
Perhaps I might be able to be convinced to revert back to the days of one gender demanding submission from the other, as long as it is the females’ turn to be in charge. Obviously, we would still bear the children, but the men would have the pleasure of raising them. If after their birth, we decided we really didn’t love you guys after all, we could be the ones to choose not be involved in the child’s life.
However, that’s probably not a good idea. That type of power would merely reduce women to adapt the lack of morality, compassion and commitment observed by so many men today.

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