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Federal management agency schedules prescribed burn in Nine Mile Canyon



By Sun Advocate

Smoke emanates from the prescribed burn conducted by the United States Forest Service near Scofield in 2001.
A few recent prescribed burns have gotten out of control and become high profile events on the national scene.
However, most of the intentional fires proceed as planned and the burns control vegetation growth so that high intensity fires will not decimate forests.
Starting on Sunday if conditions are conducive, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management will conduct a prescribed burn in the Nine Mile Canyon area.
The 8.5 mile burn will be started at the bottom of Dry Canyon and cover about 600 acres. The procedure will take about a week and a half to complete.
‘We want people to know about this activity so they don’t think a wildfire is raging up the canyon,’ pointed out Hal Stevens, the BLM fire manager for the Price area.

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