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Letter to the Editor: We stand to lose what is dear

By Sun Advocate

Well, he scored again. Only this time he really scored a big one. Who? You know, the same guy that said to Kane, “Go ahead, bump off your brother, he thinks he is so much better than you and no one will know.”
He has been around ever since, encouraging us to think his way. He was there to work the crowd to cry for Barbbas instead of Christ. The prophet Isaiah spoke of him who encourages us to “call good evil and call evil good.” (Isa:5:20)
The big one started about 25 years ago when the State of Massachusetts legalized sodomy among consenting adults. Then, years later, a president allowed them to enter the military thus giving them another large field to spread their deadly poison. Now the High Court of Massachusetts has taken that large step into the depth of degradation by taking the most beautiful and purest of God’s ordinances, that of marriage between man and woman, and casting it into that infernal pit by legalizing same sex marriage.
A certain Christian denomination in New Hampshire went along with this trend by appointing a gay man as a new bishop of the church. Some of the ordained ministers of that church have publicly expressed that they feel that they have been betrayed.
There is an old saying, “After all is said and done, as a rule, more is said than done.” But unless this changes and more is done, we stand to lose all that we hold dear to us. We are already being smothered with hard-core pornography and profanity which permeates our environment through the media, the courts and the legislative halls.
It has come to our attention that beginning the first of the year 2004 there will be 37 new TV series starting and that the majority of those will contain “adult language,” “nudity” and violence.” This cannot be controlled by law officers or by legislation. This is an individual matter that must be fought by parents and adults who want their families to grow up in a free and God loving world.
There is an old western proverb that says, “Never duel with seven men when all you are packing is a six-gun.” Let us make no mistake about it, the battle with the evil one is real, and we must have plenty of ammunition to handle it.

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