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New programs at college indicate trend for higher education needs

By Sun Advocate

The Utah State University program at College of Eastern Utah will add the secondary teacher education program for the first time to its curriculum for the spring 2005 semester.
An accounting program is also slated to be added for the fall 2005 term.
In this technological age, education beyond high school has shifted from the exception to the rule. According to Richard Kendell, the Utah commissioner of higher education, choosing to attend college is one of the most significant decisions a person will make in their lifetime.
“For many students, a university or college certificate or degree leads to jobs and careers,” he indicated. “For all students, completing a degree is a real accomplishment. The effort involved in working toward college graduation brings great personal growth as well as new knowledge and skills. Education is the key to many doors, and education will enrich your life no matter where your choices take you.”
And college is not only for traditional, 18- year-old students anymore. With the advent of the Internet and other communicative technology, higher education has extended beyond lecture halls and classroom study to online courses, satellite broadcasts and independent study.
In fact, 40 percent of the student population at the College of Eastern Utah is non-tradition (non-trad).
A non-trad student is considered to be any student who is 24 years or older, is a first generation student, is an eligible individual with dependents, is a senior citizen or is faculty continuing their education.
In keeping with the needs of non-trad students, the USU extension program offers classes and programs that would otherwise not be available in the area at times that working, non-trad students can attend.
According to USU Price staff assistant Nancy Sjostrom, most extension classroom and satellite classes are offered later in the afternoon or evening, making it possible for anyone to work education into their schedule.
“Continuing education gives everyone a chance to get an education,” she remarked. “We’re looking for those students who are looking to come back to school.”
Sjostrom said that the purpose of the USU program is not to compete with the College of Eastern Utah. Rather, Sjostrom said that students should take advantage of all the opportunities afforded by the community college.
“We have a very close relationship with CEU and we encourage all students to get over there that can,” she stated. “You have live classes, small class sizes and the tuition is very inexpensive, which is good. If you can get your classes done at CEU, we recommend doing that.”
What USU extension does offer is a way for students to earn their bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or endorsement without having to transfer to a university outside of the area, she pointed out.
In a joint statement from the two schools, it stated, “The College of Eastern Utah and Utah State University have combined their resources to provide seamless educational opportunities for students seeking college degrees in southeast Utah. The program is called Two Plus where students can obtain a two year Associate’s Degree from CEU and seamlessly apply that credit toward a Bachelor’s Degree from USU without leaving home.”
For those wishing to leave the area, there are eight other public and three private colleges and universities in the state of Utah, giving Carbon County residents the opportunity for a strong education anywhere in the state. The 10 Utah public institutions include:
�University of Utah – The UofU is a major urban state university with significant programs of sponsored research and of graduate, professional, and undergraduate education in 15 colleges and professional schools and their authorized degree programs, including law and medical schools.
�Utah State University – USU serves as the state’s land-grant institution under state and federal legislation and is a primary center of university research and of graduate, professional, and undergraduate education in numerous authorized fields of study.
�Weber State University – WSU is a student-centered institution focused on two and four-year programs with a strong commitment to applied learning in technical, professional and liberal education. Selected masters programs are also available.
�Southern Utah University – SUU has the mission of a regional, comprehensive, undergraduate institution with a broad program of liberal and professional education, and is a primary center for service and cultural programs designed to advance the southern Utah area. Selected masters programs are also available.
�Snow College – Snow College is an open access comprehensive community college that offers a broad range of general/liberal education and vocational/technical programs leading to Associate of Arts, Science, or Applied Science Degrees. Numerous specialized short-term vocational training certificates and diplomas are also offered.
�Dixie State College of Utah – Dixie State College is an open access, comprehensive community college with a mission of providing general and liberal education as well as applied technology programs leading to Associate of Arts, Science, or Applied Science degrees. Certificates are awarded for short-term and applied technology programs. The upper division consists of selected Baccalaureate degree offerings.
�College of Eastern Utah – CEU is an open access, comprehensive community college with a mission of providing general and liberal education as well as applied technology programs leading of Associate of Arts, Science, or Applied Science degrees. Certificates are awarded for short-term and applied technology programs.
�Utah Valley State College – UVSC consists of two interdependent divisions. The lower division embraces the mission of an open access comprehensive community college which provides general and liberal education as well as applied technology programs leading to Associate of Arts, Science, or Applied Science degrees. Certificates are awarded for short-term and applied technology programs. The upper division consists of programs leading to baccalaureate degrees in areas of high community demand and student interest.
�Salt Lake Community College – SLCC is an urban, multi-campus, open access, comprehensive community college with a mission of providing applied technology education as well as general and liberal education leading Associate of Arts, Science, or Applied Science degrees. Certificates are awarded for short-term and applied technology programs.
�Utah College of Applied Technology – UCAT is a new concept in applied technology education consisting of nine applied technology college campuses, providing opportunities for statewide open-entry, open-exit, competency-based education for high school and adult students. UCAT, working in close cooperation with business and industry, local school districts and the other colleges and universities, provides a broad range of specialized long-term and short-term certificate training, as well as Associate of Applied Technology (AAT) degrees.
Regardless of where Carbon County residents seek to further their education, pursuing additional education is a must.
“The earlier that students and their families become informed about the pathway to higher education, the better their chances for success,” concluded U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige. “Education beyond high school, whether vocational, technical, or professional, is essential to effectively compete for jobs in the Digital Age.”

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