100- Giveaways [top]
THREE COLORFUL kittens free to good homes only. No mean dogs. Sylvia, 687-9184. (05042f)
104- Personal [top]
ADOPT, HAPPILY married, financially secure couple will love and provide for your newborn. Expenses paid. Lynne and John 1-877-860-2207. (ucan). (05042f)
ADOPT: LOVING, married couple wants to share their warmth, laughter, hearts, emotional and financial security with a baby. Expenses paid. Please call Deni and Gary 1-800-570-1338. (ucan). (05042f)
HEALTHCARE FOR entire family. $99.95 monthly. No age restrictions, includes dental, vision, pre-existing conditions accepted, unlimited usage, 500,000 doctors. 1-800-718-8660, limited time offer. (ucan). (5042f)
IF YOU build, remodel or remove buildings you can place your classified ad in 47 of Utah’s newpapers for only $135 for 25 words ($5 for each additional word). You will reach up to 500,000 potential customers and all you do is call the Sun Advocate at 637-0732 or Emery County Progress 435-381-2431 for all the details. (Mention UCAN Classified Network). (ucan). (05042f)
NO DOWNPAYMENT? Problem credit? Own a new home without a big downpayment. If you’re motivated with $40,000+ income call 1-800-830-2006, visit www.americanhomepartners. com (ucan). (05042f)
SUN ADVOCATE and Emery County Progress does not endorse, promote or encourage the purchase or sale of any product or service advertised in this newspaper. Advertisements are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Sun Advocate and Emery County Progress hereby disclaims all liability for any damage suffered as the result of any advertisement in these newspapers. Sun Advocate and Emery County Progress has the sole authority to edit and locate any classified advertisement as deemed appropriate. Sun Advocate and Emery County Progress reserves the right to refuse any advertising. (05042f)
105- Special Notices [top]
MOTHER’S DAY gifts! Beautifully boxed Mango Bath Salts, Body Mist/Massage Mitt $24.95! 435-637-1397. www.anewessentials.com (04274p)
SALT LAKE Candle Flavor of the Month “Cucumber Melon Tree.” 15% off all sizes. Chriss Gray 472-3867, 650-2233. Karen Birch, 472-3796, 650-3796. (71tf)
UPS SERVICE is available at CJ’s Do it center. Open 7 days/wk. 710 E. Main, Price. (125tf)
107- Financial [top]
$$CASH$$ CASH now for structured settlements, annuities and insurance payouts. 1-800-794-7310. J.G. Wentworth. JG Wentworth means cash for structured settlements. (ucan). (05042f)
CASH FOR structured settlements/annuity payments. It’s your money! Get cash now when you need it most! Oldest/best in the business. Settlement Purchasers. 1-877-MONEY-ME. (ucan). (05042f)
112- Business Opportunity [top]
ARE YOU making $1,000 per week? All cash vending routes with prime locations available now! Under $9,000 investment required. Call toll free (24-7) 1-800-963-2654. (ucan). (05042f)
ARE YOU making $3-6K per week from home? No selling. Not MLM. Investment required. 1-800-705-0536. (042720p)
ESTABLISHED TRANSMISSION and auto repair business for sale. Great location in Price. 472-8343/please leave message. (710tf)
HEAVY INDUSTRIAL building for sale locally. $750,000, $7,000 per month return contact. 435-637-9300 ext. 11. (0316tf)
LOOKING FOR a change in scenery? If you are getting ready for retirement or just thinking about a change of scenery and a different life-style, we may have just what you are looking for! Maybe you are tired of the Utah winters? Unique Colorado River area with boating, fishing, golf, casinos, the desert and more. Great investment opportunities. Visit our website today for more information www.coloradoriverre.com (ucan). (04272f)
SMALL BUSINESS owners: Place your classified ad in 47 newspapers throughout Utah for only $135 for 25 words, $5 per word over 25. You will reach up to 500,000 buyers and it is a one call, one order, one bill program. Call the Sun Advocate at 637-0732, or Emery County Progress 435-381-2431 for further info. (ucan). (05042f)
TIRED OF being a laborer for someone else? Own your own landscape curbing business. Income potential $100,000 plus! $29,000 equipment/training. Use home equity. 1-801-792-5550. (ucan). (05042f)
113- Help Wanted [top]
**ATTENTION** LADIES: Avon has great opportunities. Earn extra $$$, work own hours. 637-0136 1-800-713-1839. Ind./sls./rep. (87tf)
ANYONE INTERESTED in becoming a lifeguard at the Castle Dale Pool, please call Marilyn 381-5298-pool, 381-5384-home. Must be at least 15 to take class, 16 to work for the pool. Training will start soon. (04294p)
BUSINESS OWNERS if you need someone fast, place your classified ad in all 47 of Utah’s newspapers. The cost is only $135 for a 25 word ad and it reaches up to 500,000 people. All you do is call the Sun Advocate at 637-0732 or Emery County Progress 435-381-2431 for all the details. (Mention UCAN). (ucan). (05042f)
CIRCULATOR/PETITIONER very good money protecting Utah’s hiking, hunting and wild land. All counties 1-801-596-7296, 1-435-867-5814 or 1-800-596-7088. (ucan). (05042f)
CRYOGENIC TRANSPORTATION. New terminal opening. Teams and solos wanted. $1000.00 Sign on bonus, high weekly miles. Quick/Easy load/Unload. Local/Regional & OTR Lease purchase avail. Paid orientation. 1-866-339-0072. (ucan). (05042f)
DRIVER COVENANT Transport. Teams and solos check our new pay plan. Owner operators, experienced drivers, solos, teams and graduate students. Call 1-888-MOREPAY (1-888-667-3729). (ucan). (05042f)
DRIVERS…NEW speed-65mph! $2500 Experienced driver sign on bonus! New trainee pay! Van, flatbed & autohaul. CDL training available. Swift Transportation 1-888-490-8343 www.SwiftTruckingJobs.com (ucan). (05042f)
GREAT OPPORTUNITY Local established tire and automotive service shop looking for customer service rep. Must be self-motivated, energetic and outgoing. Have excellent people and communication skills, good basic computer skills. Accurate listening skills, detail oriented and be a flexible team player. Successful applicant will meet and greet customers, answer and dispatch multi-line phone calls invoice, service write, some cleaning and light selling. Equal opportunity employee. Pay commensurate to skills. Send resume to: Sun Advocate, 845 E. Main, Dept. 432, Price, UT 84501. (0406tf)
NURSES, LPN OR RN, Certified Nurses Aides, Non-Certified Aides. Full time or part time. New wage scale available. Castle Country Care Center, 1340 East 300 North, Price. 637-9213. (0325tf)
RANCH HAND needed. Hard working and dependable. Irrigation, livestock, fencing, etc. Call 801-254-2140. (04294p)
SMALL TOOL repair person. Must have hydraulic and pneumatic tool repair experience. Full or part time. Call Boyd @ 637-4159/leave message. (0316tf)
116- Daycare [top]
STACEY’S DAYCARE has childcare openings, all ages. Preschool curriculum available, no extra cost. 637-9400. (04272p)
121- Building and Construction [top]
CABINETS, FROM complete design to installation. CJ’s Do it center, 710 E. Main, Price. (125tf)
LARRY DAVIS Construction. General contractor. Licensed and insured. No job too small. Call 637-8302. (916tf)
METAL BUILDINGS- Commercial and residential; cement work; carports; additions. Call Larry Young Construction, 636-0135 or 820-8050 cell. (1111tf)
UTAH MANUFACTURER for 17 years Plus-All Steel Buildings!!! Any size you want, any accessories you want, or any features you want. www.cobuildings.net or call 1-800-262-5347. CO Buildings Systems, Inc. Building a reputation on “Old Fashioned Integrity”. (ucan) (05042f)
122- Cleaning Services [top]
ALWAYS CALL a professional, the original Spic & Span. Walls, ceilings and windows. For free estimates call Trudy Axelsen, 637-4558. (78tf)
124- Lawn & Gardening [top]
ALL TYPES of yard work/tree service, interior painting, carpenter work. Also firewood for sale. 637-6630, 820-4996. (04298p)
GARDEN TILLING with tractor. Free estimates. Call 650-4542. (04278b)
GARDEN TILLING, yard leveling and earthwork. 636-5343. (031813p)
SHAGGY LAWN Care. Lawn aeration. Best price in town! Call 687-2149, Bruce or Randy. Lawn mowing also available. (04274p)
125- Miscellaneous Services [top]
HARDWOOD FLOORS, installation, repair and refinishing. Call Tim for free estimates, 888-2364. (0127tf)
JEFF’S SMALL Engine Repair, lawn mowers, weed eaters, chain saws, tillers, water lines. 384-3015. (04158p)
SMALL ENGINE service. Lawn mowers and tillers. 637-8256. (316tf)
126- Painting [top]
INTERIOR/EXTERIOR painting. Free estimates. Senior citizen discount. No job too small. 637-2954. (1028tf)
131- Apartments for Rent [top]
1 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Helper, w/attached carport. Very good, clean, quiet location. Deposit and references required. 472-3614. (05064b)
1 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Helper. $310, includes Questar. 472-5213 8-5p.m. weekdays. (930tf)
1 BEDROOM APT. in Helper. $250 per month. References and security deposit required. 637-7063. (316tf)
1 BEDROOM, NEW carpet, paint, blinds. Hardwood floors. Many extras. Owner pays utilities/cable. No pets. 472-0255. (0429tf)
1 OR 2 BEDROOM in Helper. All utilities plus cable paid. $350. 472-8404. (05044b)
2 (LG.) BEDROOMS. W/D hookups, dishwasher, fireplace. Water/garbage included. 637-4243, Joy. (041316p)
2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent in Huntington. 687-9272. (94tf)
2 BEDROOM, NEW carpet, paint, blinds. Hardwood floors. No pets. Owner pays utilities/cable. 472-0255. (0429tf)
2 BEDROOM. NO smoking nor pets. $350 + sec. dep. 637-5836. (0106tf)
2&3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent in Ferron and Castle Dale. Call John, 384-2502. (0302tf)
AFFORDABLE QUALITY three bedroom, one bath in Wellington. Security deposit payable first two months. Refrigerator, stove, disposal, dishwasher, water included. 637-4200. (04158b)
APARTMENTS FOR rent in Castle Dale, Orangeville and Ferron. Call 381-2411. (0413tf)
BASEMENT APARTMENT for rent, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, large living rm/kitchen, close to college. $475, incl. utilities. Call Nicole 637-7411. (04274p)
CASTLE DALE 2 bedroom, washer/dryer hookups, A/C, stove, refrigerator. Nice location. $350 rent. No smoking/pets. 381-2361. (04276p)
CASTLE DALE two bedroom apartment, laundry facilities. No pets. $250/monthly, $150 cleaning deposit. 381-2287. (04208p)
CLEAN 1 BEDROOM apt. $285, paid utilities. No smoking nor pets. Application required. 637-2562. (0413tf)
ECONOMICAL 1&2 BEDROOM close to campus. Partial utilities paid. References required. 637-5885days, 637-3242/eves. (0115tf)
ELMO 1 BEDROOM. Rent $325, deposit $250. Water, heat, garbage, sewer included. No smoking/pets. 653-2680. (05048p)
FERRON 2 BEDROOM apts. Gas heat, water heaters. Storage, fenced yard, new paint. No pets. $300/month. (435)384-2865. (0106tf)
FREE RENT- 2 bedroom, NE Price, dishwasher, large bedrooms, washing facilities, reasonable rates. Call Bridge Realty for details, 637-7900 or 637-0846. (1014tf)
HUNTINGTON 2 BEDROOM. Stove, refrigerator, carport. No pets. 435-687-9261. (1118tf)
NEWLY REMODELED Huntington 4-plex, large three bedroom, one bath, dishwasher, W/D hookups, fireplace. $375 plus utilities. Other units $325 plus utilities, $200 deposit. Call 435-687-9011 or 820-0410. (821tf)
NICE 1 BEDROOM in Helper. $325/month + deposit. Helper utilities paid. 472-3277. (71tf)
ONE AND two bedroom apartments for rent. No pets. 637-2115. (330tf)
ONE BEDROOM apartment, close to college, coin-op washer/dryer, no smoking nor pets. 435-637-5802, 435-650-1246. (05068p)
ORANGEVILLE LARGE 2-story 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, laundry room. Many extras. No pets. Referenced. $390/month. 748-2961. (225tf)
STUDIO APARTMENT $150. No smoking nor pets. Application required. Utilities paid. 637-2562. (0504b)
THREE BEDROOM in Huntington. Partial utiliites paid. References required. 637-5885 days, 637-3242 evenings. (0115tf)
TWO BEDROOM apartment in choice N.E. Price neighborhood. Includes heat and hot water for savings on your utilities. No pets. Call 637-4050 days, 637-3770 nights/weekends. (57tf)
VERY CLEAN large and small kitchenettes, ideal for out-of- town workers. 637-0950. (tf)
132- Houses for Rent [top]
2 BEDROOM IN Helper. New paint, carpet, blinds. No pets. Smokers okay. 472-0255. (0429tf)
2,3 AND 4 BEDROOM rentals. Call Trails End Realty, 637-1884. (1021tf)
3 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent near college. 613-7772 or 801-647-0686. (0415tf)
3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Helper. No smoking nor pets. 472-8404. (05064b)
3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH near college & close to downtown. No pets/smoking. 636-8594. (05044p)
3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH in Wellington. $600 month. No smoking/pets. $500 cleaning deposit. 637-6424. (04274p)
3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH newer modular home in Price. Will accept Section 8. No pets. 637-5233, 636-6720. (0413tf)
4 BEDROOM 2 BATH home for rent. 678 S. 200 East, Price. $600. Call 650-4270. (0413tf)
4 BEDROOM HOME in Price. No smoking/pets. 637-5836. (05048p)
4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH house in Price. $600/month, $600 security deposit. Call 801-596-3201 or 801-455-5870. (041320p)
CLEAN, NICE 2 bedroom home in Spring Glen available now. No smoking/pets. Washer/dryer hookups. $475/month, includes water, sewer, garbage, $300 sec. deposit. 472-0560 to see. (04296p)
FOR RENT in Helper: 1 bedroom apartment. No pets. Call 472-5047. (04274p)
FOR RENT: 1 bedroom house in Wellington on 3/4 acre lot. 637-4271. (05062f)
ONE BEDROOM house and 3 bedroom house for rent in Price. 637-2014. (0415tf)
ONE HOUSE $300, other $350, $150 deposit on both. 472-5790. (05064b)
SALE/RENT- Lovely 2 bedroom home in Castle Dale. $400/month, $400 deposit. No smoking/pets. References required. 435-688-9020 or 637-6411. (0224tf)
SMALL 2 BEDROOM home in Price. No smokers/pets. $450/month, $250 deposit. References required. 637-2966. (04274p)
TOWNHOUSE-TWO extra large bedrooms, large walk-in closets, refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, 1-1/2 baths, W/D hookups. 637-3339, 820-0505. (0422tf)
TWO 2 BEDROOM homes in Orangeville, references required. No pets/smokers. 571-228-8034. (04138p)
TWO BEDROOM, carport, with yard, in Castle Dale. $350 monthly, water/sewer included. 381-2373. (05042p)
134- Mobile Homes for Rent [top]
2 BEDROOM 14X65, SET up in park. Make offer. 472-0255. (0429tf)
2 BEDROOM MOBILE home $250/month; 3 bedroom doublewide $425. 637-7469. (814tf)
3 BEDROOM TRAILER on private lot, 2 full baths. Call Bobby Jo at 637-7900. Housing Authority approved. (04294b)
GREAT IN town location. Nice, quiet country park, 2&3 bedroom mobile homes w/pvt. yard. (Work w/deposit). $300-$350. Cell1-801-623-0261 or 1-888-760-2100. (826tf)
HUNTINGTON 2 BEDROOM trailer, private lot. Stove, refrigerator, garden spot. No pets. 687-9261. (0309tf)
NICE 2 BEDROOM mobile home. 600 E. Main, Wellington. $295/month. No smoking/pets. 637-2328. (12311tf)
THREE BEDROOM mobile home for rent. Call 472-3612. (05042b)
135- Mobile Home Spaces [top]
BLUE CUT RV Park located between Price and Helper. Daily, weekly, monthly rates. 472-3646 or 637-0188. (1025tf)
ESQUIRE ESTATES Mobile Home Park, Castle Dale. Large lots, good location, RV parking available. Weekly and monthly rates. 381-2750. (01016tf)
136- Office Space [top]
OFFICE SPACE for lease. Utilities, heat, janitorial, air conditioning included. Phone 637-2945. (tf)
RENOVATED HISTORIC office/retail space for lease. 1,215 sq. ft. 129 S. Main, Helper. $375/month. Please call 650-0835 for info. (1231tf)
138- Rooms for Rent [top]
SPECIAL $79 WEEKLY. Paid utilities. Linens, phone, cable, HBO, ESPN. 1/2 kitchen, laundry. 637-7706. (05048p)
139- Commercial Rentals [top]
1800 SQ. FT. commercial building on 1 acre. Mostly paved. Handicapped accessible. 1/2 mile South of Helper on U.S. 6. 472-3825. (0219tf)
141- Commercial Property [top]
FOR SALE or rent commercial zoned properties. 3 bedroom, 229 E. 100 North(rented); 3 bedroom, 205 E. 100 N.(rented); 4,000 sq. ft., 130 N. 200 E. 637-5128, 636-9070. (0106tf)
HEAVY INDUSTRIAL building for sale locally. $750,000, $7,000 per month. Return contact. 435-637-9301 ext. 11. (0316tf)
LEASE/SALE in Helper, 5,200 sq. ft. commercial, masonry, office and shop. New steel building. 2 480 volt 3 phase services. 472-3700, 381-5212, Chuck. (0325tf)
142- Farms and Ranches [top]
FOR SALE- Approximately 66 acres, almost three acres in city limits, approximately 40 acres in hay or pasture, 45 shares of water, 40X40 barn, corrals, cow feeders, cow chutes, auto stock water troughs, irrigation sprinkler equipment. See to appreciate. 748-2508. (05044p)
143- Houses for Sale [top]
$1,000 DOWN GETS your into your own 2 bedroom, 1 bath home. Rent to own. $100 rent credit. Call Mike Metzger, Bridge Realty, 637-7900 or Daniel 1-800-777-8279. (05047p)
$1,000 DOWN, OWNER will carry contract. In Sunnyside. 801-596-3211. (03188p)
2 BED., 1 BATH in Price. Newly remodeled. 636-0507. (05064p)
3 BEDROOM HOME, 2 bath with canning kitchen or studio apt. in basement, and lots of storage space. Near schools, 124 E. 400 N., next to Price Washington Park. Call 637-6631 or 637-1209. (054tf)
3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH. Under $60,000. Call 637-2549. Financing available. (0203tf)
3+ BR, 2 BATH in Wellington. Newer hardwood flooring/carpet, appliances, vinyl windows/ext. doors. Vaulted ceilings, fenced back yd., RV parking, storage shed. Nice neighborhood. Must see inside. Appraisal $85k, asking $78k. 637-0978. (04276p)
4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH manufactured home, 2,000 sq. ft. Very clean. Will consider Section 8 applicants. Contact Ralph Keele at Century 21 Realty, 820-9619. (05042f)
4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, 1999 manufactured home. Approximately 1,400 sq. ft. 384-2823 or 749-3589, leave message. (04298p)
5 BEDROOM, 2 BATH in Elmo on over 1 acre. Owner will finance or will trade. Will look at all offers. 472-5621. (0323tf)
5 BEDROOM, 3 BATH, large remodeled kitchen, large family and great rooms. Tile flooring. 2.67 acres fenced with barn and secondary water. 637-2353 or 650-0047. (050411p)
APPROX. 3,000 SQUARE feet, 6 bedroom, large kitchen, great view, storage/workshop, must see. 687-2110. (042012p)
CUSTOM HOME FSBO/Westwood. Beautiful inside and out! 64 N. 1280 W. 801-451-0258/leave message. (0420tf)
EXECUTIVE HOME, Spanish Fork, 851 E. 1100 South. 6BD, 4BA, 5,700 sq. ft., .6 acre wooded, 3-car garage, RV parking, pool, bathhouse, spa, 1,100 sq. ft. master suite, 2 family rooms, storage +++, privacy +++. Much, much more. Reduced to $429k. Serious inquires only. No agents. Call 801-798-8874, 435-448-6415 weekends. (05048p)
GET AWAY from it all. This 4 bedroom, 2 bath ranch home has just been reduced $5,000. Even though the price was reduced you will still get the wood stove, workshop, dining room, covered patio, newer roof, and almost a full acre of land. Call Mike Metzger, Bridge, 637-7900. (04046b)
IMAGINE HAVING enough space for all your toys. This 3 bedroom home comes with over 2 acres, a huge detached shop, 2 storage sheds, located in Price for under $105,000. Call Mike Metzger, Bridge Realty, 435-820-6469. (04296b)
JDESPERATE! 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath, 2,000 sq. ft., 1/3 acre, fenced, large shop, tile, new paint, mature trees. 435-748-5755. (05048p)
JPICK UP PHOTO ON MARCH 11ORANGEVILLE SUBDIVISION, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, vaulted ceilings, finished basement, landscaped/fenced, automatic sprinkling, fruit trees, reasonably priced. Call Brian or Roseann 381-5509 or 749-2222. (04208p)
LAST OF the good deals! 2 bedroom Kenilworth home. Lights are on but needs lots of TLC. $11,000. 472-3825. (0330tf)
PLANNING ON selling your home, you could be sending your sales points to up to 500,000 people at once. For $135 you can place your 25 word classified ad to all 47 newspapers in Utah. Just call Sun Advocate at 637-0732 or Emery County Progress at 435-381-2431 for all the details. (Mention UCAN). (ucan). (05042f)
144- Lots and Acreages [top]
ATTENTION DEVELOPERS! Prime property approved for development 2 blocks south of KMart. Call 637-3400. (0429tf)
BALLPARK SUBDIVISION. New building lots available from 0.5 to 1.29 acres. 1500 West 2250 North Carbonville. 801-573-4688. (0318tf)
145- Mobile Homes [top]
14X70 MOBILE HOME with tip out, 3 bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, with fenced yard. 384-3096. (05044p)
FOR SALE or rent, 1979, set up in Price. Fenced yard, three bedrooms, swamp cooler. Rent $375, buy $5,500. Call 820-0255 or 687-9795. (05042p)
PRICE GOOD deal, 2 bedroom, 2 bath $325/month. Rent to own, $100 down. Located in nice, quiet country park. 1-888-760-2100, cell 801-623-0261. (0323tf)
146- Miscellaneous Real Estate [top]
GREEN RIVER property wanted, home or land. Contact Stephine Matkin, Realtor at United Country Nagel Realty, 435-636-8881 or 435-636-7138. (05046b)
149- Water Shares [top]
SCOFIELD RESERVOIR water shares for sale. Contact Nancy, Agent, Century 21 Castleland for info., 637-4744 or 637-5471. (54tf)
SCOFIELD WATER shares available. Call Penny Holland, Etzel Realty, 435-637-6777. (0304tf)
WANT TO buy up to 20 water shares, Cottonwood Creek primary water. 748-5752. (05068p)
WANTED, WATER shares in Ferron canal and Reservoir Company. Contact Jim McKee or Larry McKee at 101 South Main, Clawson, or call 801-569-0492, cell 801-910-7904, 801-282-2082. (042010p)
WANTED: SCOFIELD res. water shares. Submit proposals to P.O. Box 700, Price, UT 84501. Large or small quantity. (610tf)
155- Hay and Grain [top]
HAY FOR sale, all sizes, prices vary, semi loads, delivered. 435-653-2466 or 820-8028 anytime. (042216p)
HAY FOR sale. Top quality. 637-1350. (0122tf)
TOP QUALITY hay for sale. Call 637-4157 or 636-7666. (04276b)
164- Livestock [top]
4 HORSES, 3 MARES, 1 gelding plus one ton of hay. $1,750. 650-5595. (0330tf)
6 YEAR OLD registered solid Palomino Paint gelding. Used on ranch and in mountains. 653-2604. (05048p)
FOR SALE: 2-horse trailer, good tires and windows $600/OBO. 888-0661. (04294p)
FOR SALE: Tall Molly mule. East Carbon, Utah. 888-3367. (05068p)
HORSES: BUY, sell or trade. All kinds. Call 653-2327.
HORSESHOEING! OFFERING professional, honest, dependable horseshoeing. Trained at the Colorado School of Trades, Diploma in Farrier Science. (435)613-0676, ask for Seth. (04138p)
THREE HORSE slant load trailer, bumper pull, good condition $3,000. 653-2405. (04136p)
WANT TO buy gated pipe. Hay for sale. $2.50 & $2.75/bale. 637-0296 or 637-6733. (05044p)
166- Pets [top]
FEEDING A stray or wild cat? Meet other people helping cats. Get info, tips and $10 spay/neuter. Humane traps for loan, 1-866-PETS FIX or www.utahpets.org. (050616p)
PAW SPA Grooming for all your grooming need. Please call 820-8814. (03168p)
172- Furniture [top]
TABLE AND 4 chairs, white; boat motor and trailer, make offer. 472-0775. (05044p)
174- Yard Sale/Garage Sale [top]
308- SOUTH 100 WEST, Helper. 8 a.m. Friday and Saturday, May 8th and 9th. (05061p) [top]
CHURCH YARD Sale and Bake Sale. Saturday, May 8, 9-1 p.m. Price United Methodist Church, 2nd East and Main, Price. (05042p)
DESERT EDGE Christian Chapel will hold a yard sale May 13-15, 9a.m.-7p.m. each day. Lots of items, furniture and other large items. Many new handcrafted items, also gifts. For information contact the chapel at 687-2933. (05044p)
EMERY TOWN will be holding a huge yard sale on May 14-15 from 8a.m.-5p.m. each day. Many families are participating- lots of stuff. Come to Emery, the yard sale will be held in the town park; some families who have too much to carry to the park will be selling from their own yards. (05044p)
HUGE! 7 FAMILY Yard/Estate Sale. Furniture, appliances, electronics. Lots more. May 7-8, 9a.m.-6p.m. 195 North Main, Huntington. 05062p)
LOTS OF fabric, home furnishings, piano, tiller, wedding dress, sewing machines, and lots more. Saturday, May 8, 155 N. 300 West, Orangeville, 9a.m.-3p.m. (05042p)
MOVING SALE Saturday, May 8, 9 a.m.-? Clothing, furniture, house, baby items and more. 337 N. 500 East, Price. (05061p)
YARD SALE Multi-family.Lots to see! Friday, May 7 and Saturday, May 8. 699 and 821 Castle Gate Road, Helper. (05042p)
YARD SALE Saturday, 8:30 to 4 p.m. 15 Locust Street, Helper. Miscellaneous items. (05061p)
YARD SALE Saturday, May 8, 7:30 a.m. 550 E. 200 South, Wellington. (05061p)
YARD SALE Saturday, May 8, 8a.m.-3p.m. 526 N. 550 West, Huntington. (05042b)
YARD SALE Saturday, May 8, 9-2p.m. 151 N. 1230 West (behind hospital). Send CHS FCCLA students to Chicago. (05042p)
YARD SALE Saturday, May 8, 9a.m. (no early birds) 185 N. 1400 West/Evergreen, Price (Westwood) (05061b)
YARD SALE Saturday, May 8th, 8a.m.-6p.m. 775 North 700 East, Price. Kitchen items, collectibles, furniture, auto items, miscellaneous. (05061p)
176- Household Appliances [top]
ELECTRIC STOVES- $125 & up, dryers $99 & up. Square Deals, 275 N. Main, Helper. Tues.-Fri. noon-5p.m., Sat. 10-4p.m. 472-0113. (9118b)
GAS RANGE, 30″, self-cleaning, white w/black. $100. 653-2911. (04294f)
177- Miscellaneous for Sale [top]
2004 HOT TUB/spa fully loaded, waterfall, aromatherapy, digital, and cover. Brand new, still in plastic, with warranty. Cost $7,200 sell $3,800. 1-801-824-7695. (ucan). (05042f)
BUILD SMARTER! Logix insulated concrete forms are quick to install, energy efficient, sound proof and fire rated. Call 1-877-633-3523 for info. Visit www.logixicf.com dealerships available. (ucan). (05042f)
FAST TREES grow 6-10 feet yearly. $7.50-/$11.50 delivered. Potted. Brochure. 1-800-615-3405. www.fasttrees.com (0568p)
FOR SALE: Time share at Snowbird. Call for more information. Also Camper World. 472-5766. (05048p)
FREE 4-ROOM DirecTV system including installation! 125+ channels from $29.99/month including locals. Access 225+ channels. Digital picture/sound.Conditions apply Limited time offer. Call 1-800-311-9053. (04272f) (ucan)
FREE 4-ROOM DirecTV system including installation! 125+ channels, including locals, from $29.99 month. Digital picture/sound. Limited time offer. Plus shipping. Restrictions apply 1-800-474-5079. (ucan). (05042f)
HORSE TRAILER, 2-horse, saddle compartment $500; treadmill, Proform, nice features $100. 653-2911. (04294p)
LIGHTED FIREPLACE w/radio, phonograph & 8 track tape player. $150. 43-5687-9305. (05062p)
MOVING MUST sell 1975 22 ft. Fiberform boat, rebuilt motor, outdrive, needs some work, best offer; 1968 Cadillac, runs, needs TLC $1,000/best offer; slide in camper and trailer $400. 888-0334. (05042p)
NEW 10 X 14 BARN style shed $2,000/OBO; 2 ton tire truck boom $700/OBO; 2 bottom plow $200/firm. Call before 1p.m., 435-637-6842. (04274p)
NEW GIFTS & novelties. Friday and Saturday, 9-3p.m. Weekdays by appt. 613-0840. 390 N. 200 East, Price. (050602p)
OVERSTOCKED! CHEAP! Galvanized pipe, posts & rails 2-3/8″ 2-7/8″ Call for prices? Stock! Metalmart 1-800-947-0249. 181 South 1200 East Lehi. (ucan). (05042f)
PAINT, ALL Do-It-Best paint must be liquidated AT 25% off. CJ’s, 710 E. Main, 636-8100. (0106tf)
PIANO, NEWLY refurbished $795; 20′ camp trailer, newly refurbished $1895; 1989 Mustang, new engine, transmission $2,500; ’73 Chevy PU, new engine and tires, OBO. 687-5678. (05064p)
PURCHASE, RENT new tank top strapless, Temple ready wedding gowns. $199, slips, accessories. 381-2017. (04138p)
YOU MAY have just the thing someone out of town is looking for. Place your classified ad in 47 of Utah’s newspapers, the cost is $135 for up to 25 words. You will be reaching a potential of up to 500,000 readers. All you need to do is call the Sun Advocate at 637-0732 or Emery County Progress at 435-381-2431 for full details. (Mention UCAN). (ucan) (05042f)
178- Misc. Wanted to Buy [top]
BUYIING ELK & deer antlers and sheds. Any amount. Any condition. Call Scott between 5-9 p.m. 472-3042. (0323tf)
WANTED: USED Little Tykes, Fisher Price, etc. outdoor playhouse in good condition. 637-8131. (05044f)
181- Sewing Machines [top]
WHITE SEWING machine in large cabinet, very good condition. $175/OBO. Wellington. 637-5127. (04294p)
182- Sporting Goods [top]
**4×8 POOL TABLE. Gorgeous professional series, solid wood, carved legs, 1″ slate. New, still boxed. Cost $3,995 sell $1,495. Call deliver 1-801-824-7695. (ucan) (05042f)
DIAMOND GUNSMITHING, general gunsmithing, in Huntington. Call 687-9223. (04298p)
GET PAID to hunt and fish. Also, learn to write off your hunting expenses. Information recording 1-877-501-5881. (ucan). (05042f)
NORDIC TRACK Achiever ski machine in excellent condition. $250. 637-4834. (05042p)
OWN A legend- Colt Python custom grip $1,000. 636-4535. (05042p)
PREBAN COLT rifle AR15A2 w/scope and accessories $1,400 or trade for cash and Colt government 45. After 6p.m., call 637-4211, ask for Tony. (04274p)
184- Industrial Equipment [top]
20′ HIGH SCISSOR lift for sale. See at 275 N. Main, Helper. 472-0255. (0427tf)
189- Fireplaces and Stoves [top]
VENT-FREE fireplaces. 99.9% efficient. Starting at $399. CJ’s Do it center, 710 E. Main, Price. 636-8100. (125tf)
191- Auto Parts and Service [top]
FORD 351 ENGINE, fuel injected. $500. 820-6053 after 4:30 p.m. (04274p)
192- Autos, New and Used [top]
’72 FORD TRUCK. Fully restored, new tires/rims, tool box. Custom interior/stereo (6x9s, 10s)/CB. 360 engine, 4 speed, only 13,000 miles. Asking $5,000/OBO.1-435-752-5615 (Logan), leave message. (ucan). (05042f)
’89 BUICK ELECTRA. Power everything. Very clean, excellent condition! $2000/best offer. Great carpool car! 636-8391 or 820-6453. (04278b)
***NEW*** FROM St. George Ford. Shop for new or used vehicles at special low Internet Fleet Prices. UtahFleetSales.com (ucan). (05042f)
1997 VW JETTA, LOW miles, sunroof, custom wheels, tint, excellent condition. 472-3888 after 4p.m. (04294p)
2003 CHEVY IMPALA, 4-door, V6 auto., air. Extra nice. $9,975. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (04294b)
194- Boats [top]
’83 230 SUNRUNNER. VERY low hours. Always garaged. New radial tires on trailer. Excellent condition. $10,500. 637-3725. (0330tf)
’95 14 FT. SEARS alum. fishing boat and trailer, 8 hp. Evenrude motor with less than 40 hr. $1,500. See at 153 N. 1285 East, Wellington. 637-9968. (05064p)
14′ VALCO ALUMINUM fishing boat and trailer, 18 horse motor, fish finder and other extras. $1,200. 653-2405. (04132p)
16 FOOT FIBERGLASS Glastron boat with 85 hp. Johnson outboard motor. $2,500. 637-5356 or 637-0145. (05064p)
1978 INVADER BOAT and trailer with Johnson 140 rebuilt motor, complete with skis $1,995 or best offer. Please call 637-3987, 637-2945. (04274b)
1987 SEASWIRL, V6. Great shape. Cuddy Cab. 637-7655. 1259 W. 350 North. (04206p)
1994 TRACKER BOAT, 16′ Pro V, 40 hp. Merc less than 100 hours, live well, trolling motor, electric motor, 2 fish finders. Like new condition. $8,000. 650-1031. (0415tf)
21 FT. STARCRAFT, ’74 Cuddy Cabin, I/O 225 hp. Make an offer. 472-3005. (05044f)
195- Motor Homes [top]
1983 TIOGA 24 FT. motor home, 65,500 miles. Runs well. Great condition. Call 749-1225 or after 4p.m., 384-2522. (04294p)
196- Campers and Trailers [top]
1998 ROADRANGER 27′ FIFTH wheel with super slide out. Like new. Call 472-3677. (05046p)
2000 32′ ROAD RANGER fifth wheel. Like new! Way below Blue Book. 472-3775 after 5p.m. (04294p)
2001 26 FT. NOMAD Skyline travel trailer. Excellent condition. $13,000. 637-6408. (05048p)
2003 NOMAD TRAILER, 30′, sleeps 6-8. Loaded. $16,500/OBO. Call after 5 p.m. 435-637-0371. (05044p)
BARELY USED! 2-year-old (2002) 25 ft. Tahoe Widelite. Queen bed, bunk beds, power sliding dinette. Loaded! 435-381-2014. (04206b)
197- 4 Wheel Drive [top]
’85 BRONCO II. RUNS good. Needs tires. $700/OBO. 637-3840 or 650-3082. (05062p)
1991 DODGE CUMMINS 4X4. Runs great. $6,000. 820-4907. (05064p)
1993 JEEP CHEROKEE 4-door 4X4, loaded, extra nice $3,675. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (04274b)
1995 JEEP WRANGLER. $4,000. 636-5343. (04298p)
1999 GMC LONG BED 4X4, great shape. 384-2512, cell 1-435-650-0201. (05044p)
2002 AVALANCHE 2500 4X4, fully loaded, leather. Low miles. $26,900. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (04274b)
2002 JEEP LIBERTY Limited 4X4, full power. Loaded! $14,400. Helper Auto, 472-5533. (04294b)
198- Motorcycles [top]
’97 RT 180 2-STROKE oil injected $850/OBO. 637-1112, ask for Matt. (04224p)
2003 RED HONDA CBR 600RR bullet bike, 3,000 miles. $6,500. 650-4371. (04298p)
2004 KX125. RACE READY. Too many extras to list. $4,500. Call for details, 650-4899. (0568f)
IF YOU’VE got the helmet we’ve got your new bike 2003 CRF-150. Ridden less than 10 hours. $2,200. 435-650-3224. (04274p)
200- Trucks and Vans [top]
’78 JEEP WAGONEER $350. Leave message, 472-0254. (04275p)
’89 FORD VAN Conversion. A-1 condition. Very clean. 302 V8. Red/white. $2,500. 637-2310. (04294b)
1988 FULL SIZE Custom Chevy Van, Braun wheelchair lift included. 472-5621 or 472-0113. (0429tf)
1994 FORD COMMERCIAL delivery box truck. 18 ft. box. Diesel. 174k. 6-speed. $7,500. 650-4050. (05062b)
2000 GMC EXTENDED CAB Z-71, auto. transmission, 5.3 liter V8. Pewter and charcoal, 59,000 miles, excellent condition. Must see. $17,500/OBO. 435-687-2188. (04294p)