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Letter to the Editor: Local comments are prime to the process

By Sun Advocate

I’m sure that most readers of the Sun Advocate are aware of our country’s energy demands and the need to locate, develop and deliver natural resources to the citizens of this great country. The more independent we can be, the less dependent we will be upon the whims of some foreign country and their leadership who seem to hate us anyway.
Currently, the local Price Field Office of the BLM is accepting public comments on their most recently released Environmental Assessment (EA) pertaining to a proposal by the Bill Barrett Corportation (BBC) to drill test wells on the West Tavaputs Plateau. This is an exploratory project needed to determine the amount of natural gas in that area. BBC has made a substantial investment and commitment to our area. They have operated with a high level of environmental concern and will be using the latest in technology to accomplish their study.
Many citizens of Carbon and Emery Counties are aware of an extreme group by the name of Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA). Recently SUWA was able to generate a mass mailing of anti-natural gas development against the BBC Stone Cabin 3D Seismic Study in the same general area. Through their e-mail network they generated over 25,000 comments against development of natural gas reserves that would continue to provide you and I with a natural resource that we demand. We all use natual resources such as natural gas and electrical power in our homes, businesses, schools, etc. Not only do we each benefit individually from the development and production of these resources but it would also provide a great boost to our local economy.
Another local proposed development that SUWA has been successful in blocking is the Lila Canyon Coal Mine in northern Emery County near the Carbon County border. SUWA and their national membership are having a very real and very negative impact on the economy of Carbon and Emery Counties.
If you are tired of these outsiders dictating your future, if you are tired of extremists hijacking the permitting process for proper development of our natural resources, then I ask that you get involved and speak up. If you feel as I do, that we can develop natural resources and at the same time protect cultural resources then you need to let the BLM know how you feel. The comments can be sent to the Price BLM office, The comment period ends June 4th, 2004

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