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Swimmers record best times in culminating tournament

By Sun Advocate

After the fiasco at the region tournament, luck did not appear to be on the side of the Carbon’s swim team.
The entire first day of competition had to be cancelled by host Carbon, due to faulty equipment.
However, with determination and a lot of heart, Carbon swimmers were able to overcome a stressful region tournament and record several best times at the state meet.
Top Carbon swimmer Chase Norton put in a brave performance, overcoming illness and earlier disappointments to set a new Carbon record.
On the opening day of the meet, Norton lost his strength halfway through the 200 yard freestyle and dropped to ninth place from his seventh place seating.
However, Norton rebounded the next day to set a record Carbon time for the fastest leg of a 400 freestyle relay. His time was 51.90.
Fellow relayers Li Yu, Bradlee Leonard and Chris Eikenbary all followed suit, each swimming best times and securing a 12th place finish for the squad.
Eikenbary also upped his 17th place slot in the 100 yard breaststroke to 16th place with a personal best time.
Leonard also posted a best time in the 500 yard freestyle, moving from 22nd place to 20th.
In the girls division, Audrey Oliver, Trisha Erickson, Erika Flower and Regina Tetreault all had best times to take 14th place in the 400 yard freestyle relay.
Alternates for boys team included Matt Petty, Dan Gibson and Derrick Leonard.
Alternates for the girls team were Lyn’D Anderson, Rikilyn Birch and Amy Pulsipher.
After the strong performance and improvement of the team this season, head coach Phyllis Cox was nominated for Womens Coach of the Year.
She missed the award by only one vote.

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