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Letter to the Editor: Campaign signs illegal and dangerous

By Sun Advocate

During a campaign year it is common to see dozens of campaign signs placed along roadways, attached to road signs and along fences. However the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) reminds candidates that these campaign signs are dangerous, illegal, and will be removed.
Campaign signs create a serious distraction to motorists and pose a hazard to both the motorists and to highway maintenance crews. Signs are not allowed within the right-of-way on any state roadway.
Typically, the right-of-way consists of all land from the edge of the pavement up to, and including, the fence line. For other state roads (such as Highway 89 through cities) that right-of-way is up to the sidewalk and including any traffic signs (speed limits, etc.) and pedestrian crossings. This also includes all overpasses and signs over state highways.
Candidates can call their regional UDOT office for additional information.

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