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College of Eastern Utah Eagle staff members earn awards at Rocky Mountain Media Association event

By Sun Advocate

The College of Eastern Utah’s Eagle staff members brought home 24 awards from the Rocky Mountain Media Association’s 78th annual conference.
Included in the awards was being named the second overall in general excellence of two-year colleges for the year 2001.
Seven awards were earned when several members of the Eagle staff competed against the four-year college and university students during a live competition.
Categories in the competition included layout, photography, intermediate and advanced research and writing.
The CEU students won seven of the 10 awards presented on the day of the event.
In the live competition, the Eagle staff swept the photography competition, with CEU’s Jonas Harmon winning first place, Chris Adzima taking second and Les Bowen earning third.
The University of Wyoming won first in layout and design, with CEU’s Patrick Hegeny placing second and Adzima placing third.
Melissa Wall captured first place honors in intermediate research, while Christopher Hunt won second place in advanced research.
The CEU staff garnered 14 awards for work on the Eagle newspaper during the year 2001.
Editor Les Bowen received first place for his newspaper overall design, while Miranda Whitworth received first place for her humorous cartoon on the safety of 15-passenger vans.
A second place award went to Mark Walker for the single newspaper advertisement design for Taco Time.
Ben Warner captured second place honors for a news photo of college and university student rallying about tuition increases on the steps of the Utah Capitol building and investigative reporting on the faculty requesting a financial audit of the college.
John Rowland also placed second for a critical review of “Lord of the Rings.”
Third place awards went to Ryan Malnar for a newspaper editorial about Salt Lake Tribune columnist Dick Rosetta and Bowen for web page online publication design of the Eagle newspaper.
CEU’s online category was judged against four-year colleges and universities.
An honorable mention was given to Walker in newspaper sports news and special section.
Harmon received honorable mention for a newspaper sports photo of CEU’s boxing club.
Bowen achieved honorable mention for news illustration of women faculty on the demise and an ad campaign for CEU student services.
Also earning honorable mentions at the recent Rocky Mountain Media Association competition were Ben Jewkes in the sports column and Sam Pittman for general/specialized column and news illustration graphic.

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