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Concerns regarding development project on Fairgrounds Road surface at meeting

By Sun Advocate

Proposed development on Fairgrounds Road near the medical building on 100 North in Price may be delayed or not completed after discussion at the regular monthly meeting of the county’s planning board April 2.
The property, located south of the present medical building on the corner, was proposed for another medical facility by Dr. Jeffrey Hansen. While Hansen has not yet purchased the property, he and his associates have been investigating the viability of the project.
The property actually lies within the city limits of Price, but Fairgrounds Road is a county road and any changes on it would need to have county planning approval.
In addition, it came out at the meeting that Utah Power & Light has high voltage lines that run along the road and the easement could preclude the development of the road.
“Those power poles could be a problem to move if the road needs to be changed,” said Dave Levanger, county director of planning. “That could cost a lot of money.”
But moving the power poles may be as much of a problem in terms of getting permission to for relocation as it is to changing the position.
“A few years ago, there was a problem during a construction project farther up the road with those same lines,” said Carbon Commissioner Mike Milovich, who serves on the planning panel. “There had to be a writ from UP&L to take care of it and they are not too keen on anyone messing with those lines.”
The road which, according to planners, has some of the highest development potential of any in the county, also was discussed in other ways.
“What kind of traffic impact would this facility have on that area?” asked planning board member Linda Topolovec.
Levanger and Francis Duz-enack, Price building official and zoning administrator, explained that the city has been considering changing the intersection of the two streets into more of a 90 degree angle.
“Transportation studies say the road is at 3 percent of its capacity,” said Levanger. “As far as accidents go, there were 15 accidents from 1996 to 1998, with only one injury taking place.”
Topolovec voiced concern about the width of the road, even with the changes.
“I prefer they widen the road more than 45 feet,” she stated.
As the discussion wore on, it was decided that the issue of the UP&L easement would have to be cleared up before the planning panel could take action.
The members agreed to conduct a special meeting to consider the matter once the e problems are addressed.
The Sun Advocate received information on Tuesday that the special county planning board meeting will be conducted on April 15 at 4 p.m.
In other business, the planning board:
•Reviewed Hunt Oil’s request for a conditional use permit in a CE-2 zone and concept approval for development on company property near Range Creek.
“The zoning allows for a single family dwelling on 40 acres and we realized we didn’t need to apply for a permit,” said Blair Eastman, representing Hunt Oil.
Levanger agreed and asked the council to drop the matte.
•Approved a zone change from CE-1 to CE-2 and a conditional use permit for Phillips Petroleum in the Wattis area on Plateau Mining Company land.
It was suggested during the discussion that a couple of more things be added to the conditional use permit checklist.
The checklist outlines the things the company applying for the permit must do to comply.
The two items in question had to do with cattle guards and fence height requirements.
•Approved a zone change from CE-1 to CE-2 and a conditional use permit for six gas wells in the Whitmore Park area for J.W. Operating Company.
The company is a new firm owned mostly by local investors, according to information provided during the county planning board meeting.
The problem of erosion control became a factor in addressing the agenda item because of the large washes in the area and the potential for more damage.
Topolovec recommended that erosion control items be added to the conditional use permit checklist.
•In addition, the county planning and zoning department staff requested that the board members vacate the fairgrounds estates subdivision for a non-compliance issue.
Richard Tatton, planning board chair, asked about the bonding and what would become of it.
“It will be released as soon as the county commission approves the act to vacate,” Levanger told the assembled group in attendance at the county planning board meeting.
The action was approved by the county planning board members.
•The department staff also presented the planning board members with the first draft of chapter five of the newly developed zoning ordinances for the county.

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