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Carbon County Senior Citizen Program

By Sun Advocate

Viki J. Bowman is the executive director of the Carbon County Senior Affairs program and through her monthly newsletter reports activities the agency is involved with. The Price Senior Center averages 106.8 people each day for lunch and the East Carbon facility averages almost 40 people a day at their center.
Mobile Meals in Price delivers to an average of 104.9 participants each day of the month. And, East Carbon delivers a daily average of 21.6 meals to people on Mobile Meals. The Centers prepared a total of 3,870 meals in the month of March.
Their programs are designed for persons 60 years of age and above. All services for Seniors are based on a donation basis. According to Bowman, no senior will be denied services or meals through the centers regardless of the ability or desire to make a donation.
People under the age of 60 may participate at the activities if they pay for the service.
The VA Hospital is now providing transportation to veterans from the Price and Helper areas. Pick up point in Price is the Carbon County Courthouse and in Helper at the Handy Mart. Transportation is provided to the VA Hospital in Salt Lake City and the VA clinic at the Timpanogos Hospital in Orem. The van operates five days a week if there are two or more veterans using the service. Appointments may be arranged between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. by contacting Pete Bruno at 637-1899. Veterans are encouraged to use this van transportation to ensure it’s continued service in this area.
Hat Day on April 5 was a fun time for all. Winners of the day were Sharon Hackney for the biggest hat; Leona Leautaud for the most original; Bob Peacock for the smallest; George Grivet for the dirtiest; Louise Anderson for the cutest; with Billie Simone, Lucy Hardy, Maria Johnson and Alice Mae Shorts sharing the honors for the oldest.
The Ceramic Department is back to full swing with a new instructor, Mrs. Kelly Pyper from Ferron. Ms. Pyper is very skilled and knowledgeable in all types of painting, glazing, airbrushing, free style, dry brushing, and rubs. She is also an accomplished quilter, sewer, and carpenter. The afternoon ceramic class is held on Thursdays from 1 to 7 p.m. The Department will continue to operate on Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 9:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.

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