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Price officials reorganizing departments, developing power outage reporting system

By Sun Advocate

Summer storms sometimes mean power outages. The city of Price has been busy working at developing a system on reporting power outages.
Recently, officials reorganized Price’s water and sewer departments, which included the city’s electrical and metering services. The realignment has combined the services to form the public utilities department under the direction of Sam White, as supervisor.
White points out that Price city administers the purchase of power. Price operates and manages the power system in the city limits.
Utah Power & Light is responsible for the power transmission system outside the city limits. The company provides work within the city limits for expansions, repairs and troubleshooting through a Price and Utah Power maintenance contract.
“Any interruption of water, sewer or electrical services is an emergency,” according to White.
The following information may be helpful for local residents who need to report an electrical outage or emergency.
For regular working hours emergencies, occurring from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, Price citizens are asked to call the city offices at 637-5010.
For after hours emergencies, Price residents may contact the Carbon County Public Safety Dispatch Center at 637-0890.
The dispatchers at the center will contact the utility where the problem is occurring. The utilities could include the city, Utah Power, Price River Water Improvement District or Questar Gas.
Consumers needing to contact Utah Power regarding customer service may call the company office toll-free at 888-221-7070.
White wants the public “to feel comfortable to call to verify problems, and not just wait for service to be restored.”
Customers might not know what company or public entity runs the power system and Price city staff would like to be on-site for trouble shooting, points out White.
Ken Harney is Price city’s electrical and metering manager. Harney is familiar with the system and will offer customer service.
Minor problems can be solved by city staff and Price personnel will contact Utah Power service or repairs, when needed.
City personnel can secure a site if the power lines are down and inform customers of situation status, while reducing costs associated with UP&L service if the company’s crews were performing the duties.

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