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Wisest little person I know, my daughter



By Nathaniel Woodward

Have you ever met a person and been blown away by their personality?
We all know eccentric and quirky people, those are a dime a dozen, what I’m talking about are the type of people who are so innately good and personable that you can’t help but like them.
My daughter is just such a person; now I know you’re going to go ahead and play the “dad” card on that opinion, but I strongly believe that. If I hadn’t ever known this kid before, I would want to be her friend the second I met her. She is the type of kid who apologizes to bugs that fly into her, honest.
Just the other day we were picking blackberries in the woods and a bumble bee flew into her chest and she apologized for getting in its way. It’s instances like this that got me paying closer attention to the things she would randomly quip, so I started writing down some of them and would now like to share a few nuggets of wisdom my growing daughter has shared over the past several months.
“In a world full of Lightning McQueens, be a Ms. Fritter.” Like most kids with good taste in movies, she thoroughly enjoys any selections from the vast Disney vaults.
While playing with some new Christmas toys from grandparents the make-believe games routinely involved her inhabiting the role of the epic derby champion from Cars 3. It goes to show that she cares less for the typical “hero” story arc and prefers to portray characters with more down-to-earth roots and personalities.
“The ingredients to a good trail mix include a hefty portion of chocolate chips and pretty much nothing else.” This doesn’t need to be dissected, she’s obviously right.
“I hate commercials, they’re all about grown-ups and their underwear.” I mean, right? We don’t have cable or satellite so the few commercials she comes across on the occasions we watch one of the main (and free) networks must have a trend more visible to her keen marketing eye. Step it up Don Draper.
“Never let your little brother choose the movie, babies have terrible tastes in movies.” To be fair his taste in cinema is improving each month.
“Japan seems cool, not as cool as Disneyland, but still pretty cool.” I haven’t told her there is a Disneyland in Japan, if anyone tells her before I win the lottery I might have to sell my car.
“To remember people who die we give them rocks? I bet they’d rather we just draw them a picture.” The concept of a tombstone doesn’t sit well with her. Not sure what to do with this one.
These are just a few of the little pieces of wisdom she has bestowed upon us in the last couple of months and she comes up with more every day.
I’m not saying each is some profound truth that will last through the ages à la Confucius, but I do believe if I try to be the type of person who apologizes to errant flying bugs, that maybe I’ll be all the happier for it.

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