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Letter to the Editor | Price and Helper Comparison

I am a former resident of Helper (17yrs), and I recently vacationed in Carbon County. I would like to point out some differences I saw between Helper and Price.
Helper Main Street looks fantastic. The street and sidewalks are clean and decorated and the business scene is vibrant. Residents I talked to and stayed with are proud of their town these days and it shows. Helper’s government realizes that tourism is very important and is taking steps to draw people to town.
In sharp contrast is Price Main Street. There are weeds growing through sidewalk cracks, in the curbs and the street. There are many vacant storefronts, and the overall vibe is of a stagnant economy. From personal observation and in talking with residents, it seems Price city and county leaders are so entrenched in the belief that fossil fuels will forever sustain the economy that they will not look past that unfortunate belief.
I talked with a longtime gas and oil consultant there and apparently the Conoco gas field is no longer producing at a sustainable level. This region would possibly; no, probably, be an ideal location for wind and solar energy, which, like it or not is the future of energy production. I have many friends who are coal miners and the ones I talked with realize this.
I moved away almost four years ago for reasons other than a dislike for Carbon County. I am sad for the future of Carbon County unless changes are made.
—Bryan Boucher,
Clayton, NC

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